20 with severe phimosis - help advise needed ASAP?
2014-01-30 16:53:13 UTC
hey, like I said Im 20 and have a server case of phimosis - the foreskin can barely pull back whatsoever. I have seen a doctor for his advise, and seems adamant surgery is the only viable option, almost certainly circumcision but small chance of a frenuloplasty as well. to give you a good idea of its serverity, sex is painful with a condom and almost impossible without one, and as Im off to university in September this is something I want fixed before then, one way or another. does my case sound like surgery is indeed the only option, or are there other ways around it? I realise doctors make money from circumcision and through researching this some people seem sure there are other solutions. based on the information I've given does anyone of qualified opinion or otherwise have any help or advise they can offer, and as soon as possible? Im due to meet a surgeon sometime soon to discuss it, but want to make as informed decision as possible. any help/advise would be great, would really appreciate anything anyone has to offer
Five answers:
2014-01-31 04:03:31 UTC
I don't understand the point of saying "doctors make money from circumcision" because some doctors make money from heart surgery that does not mean the surgery is not necessary and is performed just to make money. If you have visited any of the pro or anti-circumcision web sites I'm sure you quickly realized both cater to the gay fetish crowd. Both are equally full of nonsense. For a good discussion ("How circumcision broke the Internet") of the anti crowd go to:

I had a circumcision as an adult and requested a frenuloplastsy (the cosmetics are much better that way). I recall no special sexual sensitivity in the frenulum area before or after it was removed. The only difference in sex is that it is now more sensuous (as opposed to sensitive). The procedure is rather simple. You are given a local anaesthetic and forty five minutes later your circumcised. You'll be in a recovery area for about an hour then you can drive yourself home. It will look terrible for five or six days: shorter, swollen, black and blue, bruised, discolored, encrusted blood around the stitches, etc. I experienced virtually no discomfort during the first week except when the stitches got caught in my underware. By the fourteenth day the stitches will have fallen out. After four weeks it's back to working condition and its normal shape and length. Most doctors recommend six week before you can play with it (you can still tear the incision even after the stitches fall out) but my doctor said to wait only four. I have absolutely no regrets. If you want to view an adult circumcision (not for the squeamish) go to YouTube and do a search on: "Circumcision - How to Operate series ahmed saeed". Another YouTube adult circumcision (less blood) is at: "Circumcision - Operative Surgery - Dr. Vaidya". For professional studies I would recommend something like: "Circumcision for all: the pro side" by Dr. Anne-Marie Houle, MD, FRCSC, FAAP at If you do any additional research make sure the author(s) has the letters MD or PhD after his/her name other wise it is just a someone rambling as opposed to something published in a professional journal or in a peer reviewed clinical study.
2014-01-31 01:21:17 UTC
Sure, pay a doctor..if you're in a hurry and don't mind pain. Otherwise, it is a matter of finally doing the foreskin stretching procedures you should have been doing from day one. Of course a doctor will insist on surgery..that's how he makes money. I had a really painful tooth, once. My dentist insisted I have expensive and painful root canal surgery. I went to another dentist and had the tooth extracted for just a few bucks. At least, you should investigate your difficulty more thoroughly. You've lived with it for 20years...why rush now?
2014-01-31 00:56:43 UTC
Need to practice using the condom- about 50% of all guys don't have retracting foreskins and function just fine. Put the condom on carefully so the foreskin stays in place. Might need to use a larger condom if you are getting pain.
ron h
2014-01-31 07:20:51 UTC
I'm cut and really happy about that--that means i'm no expert on uncut cox. but it seems to me that if your foreskin is giving you that much of problem, you need to tell the doctor that you really don't want to get cut, but if there's no other way, then you're gonna go for it.

I understand that getting cut as an adult is not fun, but if you end up with a dick that doesn't hurt when you use it, looks better, cleans easier, it's worth it.
2014-02-01 03:07:29 UTC
get circumcised...

most women think uncircumcised penis is gross

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