The best and safest way is to get a prescription from your doctor and get it from your local pharmacy.
These meds can have side effects and are you really sure that you can take them without damaging your health? Trust me.. the doc won't even remeber you after 2 weeks. He sees 10s of men like you every day. That's his job and he should be the last person to be ashamed of. So I'd really recommend you to see the doc and get your free samples of ed meds.
You can also try to order viagra online, the only problem with buying viagra online is that there are so many sh..ty places all over the net that you can easily get lost and get ripped in the end.
you must be very careful if you choose to order meds over the net. a good source for ed meds like viagra cialis levitra is It is not an online pharmacy but an online community of viagra cialis and levitra users, the site also has got price comparison of cheapest and trusted online pharmacies.
Also check the message board, there is some contest for the best viagra story, and if you will win, you will get some brand pfizer viagra or cialis for free.
And avoid all thos "herbal viagra" scams. They just don't work.
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