This would be your best bet.. dont eat alot of junk!!!
article from,
How Can I Gain 20 Pounds In 5 Months?
If you have time to respond to my questions, that'd be great...I look through the site often, and liked your bulking series, and I was wondering if you could give me some pointers, cuz I�m trying to gain some weight myself.
Age: 19
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
BF%: 7%
Anyways, I have been lifting seriously now for 1 year. I used to run cross country, and I was really skinny, weighing around 125-128!! Well, I decided to give up cross country and long distance running in general, so that I could stop looking so damn lanky. Right now my bench is at 155-175 lbs., and I can barbell curl 85. I keep accurate records of my food intake, and my calorie level is at 2300-2500 right now. I eat around a 55/30/15 carb/protein/fat ratio. I would like to weigh around 155-160 by the end of September, hopefully without adding too much body fat. Can you give me some eating/training tips to achieve my goal? Oh by the way, I do some light cardio two days a week in the mornings for 30min before breakfast. I burn around 400 calories during each of these sessions.
The foods I eat are very clean... oatmeal, egg whites, skinless chicken breasts, tuna, whey protein, etc... I also drink 1 gallon of water each day. Why aren't I seeing results any faster??
I feel like everyone around me (friends from high school) are all getting big and muscular off of pizza and French fries, and I am seriously questioning why I have to put myself through such a strict diet if I�m not even making any gains.
Here is my workout split and nutrition program: Click Here
I'd appreciate your help, because you look like you've had some obvious success...
One thing you have working for you is your determination, organization, and the fact that you follow such a clean diet. Your diet is pretty good, but could use some tweaking. You�re training could use some rearranging as well. Because of your build, I�m guessing ectomorphic due to the fact that you describe yourself as lanky and lean, and current condition, you should be able to gain a good amount of muscle without adding too much fat.
Your goal is to gain 20 pounds in about 5 months. This is VERY doable. In fact, it will be done. Here is what I recommend for your workout split.
Monday - Chest/Shoulders
Bench Press 3 X 4-6 - view exercise
Incline DB Press 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
Dips 2 X Failure (With body weight) - view exercise
Decline DB Press 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
DB Shoulder Press 3 X 4-6 - view exercise
Tuesday - Arms
Barbell Curl 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
Skull Crusher 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
DB Curl 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
Tricep Pressdown 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
Hammer Curl 1 X 6-8 - view exercise
Rope Press down 1 X 6-8 - view exercise
Forearm Curl 3 X 6-8 - view exercise
Wednesday - Rest OR High Intensity Cardio (16 minutes all out)
Thursday - Legs
Squats 3 X 4-6 - view exercise
Stiff Leg Deadlift 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
Leg Press 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
Standing Calf raise 2 X 6-8 - view exercise
Seated Calf Raise 2 X 6-8 - view exercise
Friday - Back/Traps
Deadlift 3 X 4-6 - view exercise
Bent Over Row 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
Lat Pulldown 2 X 6-8 - view exercise
Barbell Shrug 2 X 4-6 - view exercise
DB Shrug 2 X 6-8 - view exercise
Saturday - Rest OR High Intensity Cardio (16 minutes all out)
Sunday - Rest OR High Intensity Cardio (16 minutes all out)
Choose 2 of the rest days to do cardio. The cardio is high intensity/short duration. There is a lot of research showing the benefit of this type of cardio. It will serve well in your quest to gain muscle. You can do abs with cardio.
Protein: 250 grams
Carbs: 400 grams
Fat 50 grams
The foods you eat are fine. But, for pre and post workout, I highly recommend this combo of AST's VP2 and HSC. More info is available at these links:
HSC: Click Here
VP2: Click Here
These are two excellent products.
Take a scoop of VP2 and a scoop of HSC before and after your workout. For cardio, take 1/2 a scoop of VP2 and 1/2 a scoop of HSC.
So have your breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, then the pre and post workout shakes. Follow that up with dinner and for your last meal before bed, you want to consume a slow digesting protein. I suggest:
1 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 TBSP Flax seed oil
1 cup milk
Throw all of them in a blender and you are good to go. I recommend adding cinnamon to give it more flavor. So replace the nuts with flax seed oil. I would then eat the nuts during your mid-morning snack.
Your basic setup is fine, you just need to increase your carb intake.
So in summary:
Breakfast: Your usual - (Shown Here)
Mid-Morning Snack: Add 30 carbs and nuts to your existing meal
Lunch: Your usual