Ok, I am a 15 year old male, and i have a problem with these bumps on my body. Ok, it started in December of 2010 when i got a huge bump on my cheek, it was bigger then a quarter. I had my mom squeeze most of it out, but there is still some in there to this day. Now, lets fast forward to Februrary of 2011, i woke up one morning and felt the back of my neck to find, not 1, not 2, but 4 bumps, with the biggest one being about the size of a quarter. My mom decides I should go to the dermatologist, so I do. I don't tell them about the bump I have under my cheek, thinking it was unimportant at the time, and the put me on medication for the bumps on my neck, which they say are infected nodes. So, the bumps on my neck swell down, but then again they are still there, while the one in my cheek remains untouched. Now, 3 days ago, i woke up to find a bump on my left leg, and another bump on my right leg, this is making me think all these bumps are some how connected, but I don't know. I have another dermatologist appointment in a few days, but it's hard to wait on because I just want to know what the bumps on my cheek and legs are, how to make them go away, and see if they are connected with the infected nodes in the back of my head. Oh and by the way, all of these bumps are below the skin