How to get larger penis?
2006-03-15 23:05:07 UTC
How to get larger penis?
Seven answers:
2006-03-16 17:54:30 UTC
Wake up. You don't need a larger penis.

Your penis is like an artist’s paintbrush. It’s not how long it is that matters. It’s how skillfully you use it and how many different brush strokes you know.

These penis size questions come up again and again on this site. Women almost always say it doesn’t matter to them. And if it actually does matter to a small minority of women, so what? There are still plenty left who don’t think it’s very important.

What’s far more important is whether you’re skilled at using your penis to satisfy your woman. Can you last as long as you want? Can you vary the depth of your strokes, the pace of them, the angle of them, so that you can offer your woman a little teasing and unpredictability at times? Are you skilled enough at other ways to pleasure her, so that penis-vagina intercourse is only one of the things on the menu you offer her?

Even if you can’t do all of these things at present, these are all things you can LEARN to do. But you can’t learn to have a bigger penis.

And let’s not forget, it’s usually the person attached to the penis that decides whether a woman finds you appealing or not. You could be hung like a horse, but if you’re an inconsiderate jerk you still won’t be very attractive to women.
2016-05-19 19:51:53 UTC
Increase Penis Size Naturally
2006-03-15 23:13:57 UTC
Work on it......there are creams in the market now and also the penis enlargment devices but please make sure you use these products from a good recognized company and don`t try and overdo things in the first go.

Exercising your penile muscles also helpc.
2006-03-15 23:21:24 UTC
You can buy any size you want at an Xrated store.
2006-03-15 23:13:01 UTC
u cant u gotz the 1 u were born wit and if da i u were born wit is small ....... dosent that suck
2006-03-19 03:09:12 UTC
Try natural penis exercises like jelqin

Jelqing is a good way to increase penis size not by making muscles stronger because penis contains no muscles but by revealing The spongy tissue stronger and more acceptable for bloodflow

So try it but stick to the rules or u'll hurt ur penis and cut the nerves

About the Technique

The basic function of the Jelq technique is to lengthen and thicken your penis. By performing this easy exercise on a regular basis (4-5 days a week) it is possible, for example, that a man with six-inch member (erect) will add approximately two to four inches to the length of his penis.

The Jelq exercise works by forcibly pushing an increased amount of blood into the Corpora Cavernosa (spongy tissue of the penis). By repeating this exercise, the spaces in the penis will continually stretch larger.

With time the spaces in the penis will grow to allow more and more blood to fill the area, allowing the penis to thicken as a result. Similarly to a regular workout, the spaces will continue to get larger and stronger, healing at night while you sleep. This is what makes the Jelq such a powerful exercise.

Important Notes to Remember

1. Perform a warm up before you begin the Jelq

2. The selected lubricant should be Vaseline, skin lotion, skin oil or petroleum jelly. In no circumstance should soap be used!!

3. The exercise should NOT be performed during a hard erection! If the exercise is performed in such a state vascular (vein) damage may occur.

4. A moderate grip should be applied. If a hard grip is used some bruising and or the rupturing of superficial blood vessels could result. If any such problems should result, you should wait approximately 24-48 hours (or until the problem has healed) before continuing with the Jelq.

5. Start out the exercise gradually, and slowly work up to an appropriate level. By doing this you will be able to minimize any slight bruising or red spots.

6. If you feel the urge to ejaculate while partaking in the Jelq, squeeze the head and hold to discourage it, or simply stop the exercise for a few moments and wait until you have restrained the urge.

7. Upon completion of each session perform another "hot wrap" with a wash cloth to arouse your penis and keep the increased blood held within it.

Standard Jelq - Watch Tutorial Video

Start by rubbing approximately one-half a teaspoon of Vaseline, skin lotion, skin oil or petroleum jelly in to both of your palms and penis. When performing this exercise your penis needs to be semi-erect, as a fully erect penis is of no use. If you find yourself becoming aroused simply stop the exercise until your full erection goes away.

With your thumb and forefinger on your right hand, form an "ok" symbol. Once you have formed this symbol, take your thumb and forefinger and squeeze your penis shaft as close to your scrotum as possible. While maintaining a tight grip, pull your hand downward towards the top of your penis, stopping just before you reach the glans (head). As you slide your hand downward, the head of your penis should noticeably expand.

As, or just before you release your penis from the grip of the right hand, place your left hand at the bottom of your shaft repeat this movement. This act should be continually preformed, switching from the right hand to the left in a "milking" manner. It is important that a tight grip is sustained around your penis with your thumb and forefinger as you perform this action, while the head of your penis expand as a result of the increased amount of blood flowing to the glans.

Throughout the initial week of performing this exercise, limit the amount you jelq each day to around 10 minutes. After this initial week, try to work up your sessions to around 20 minutes a day. Than after about 2 weeks, work yourself up to jelq sessions that last 30 minutes or so. After about a 3-4 week period results should start to become noticeable.

The Jelq & Hold - Watch Tutorial Video

Massage your penis to an erection and flex your PC muscle to make it as hard as you can. Once fully erect, pump your PC 20 times to fully expand your penis as much as possible. Squeeze your PC as hard as you can and hold until your erection becomes partial. As always is the case with the Jelq, start by rubbing approximately one-half a teaspoon of Vaseline, skin lotion, skin oil or petroleum jelly in to both of your palms and penis. Once you have formed an "ok" symbol with your thumb and forefinger, continue this performing approximately 20 repetitions of the standard Jelq, before preparing yourself for the Jelq and hold.

Once ready, tighten you grip on your penis and pull downwards (towards the head of your penis) a little harder than usual If you are doing it firmly enough your hand should stop automatically when it reaches the head of your penis. Upon this happening, hold your position at the head of your penis for approximately 15 seconds, whilst slowly milking upwards with your opposite hand head of the penis hold this position for 15 seconds and then with the other hand milk again. Continue this procedure for as long as time or physical capabilities allow, (using your own judgment to decide when to stop) or else follow our detailed workout guides.

Upon completion of this workout you and your penis should quite fatigued, and your penis should have a pumped up look to it. To cool down from this exercise, whilst ensuring maximum gains, continue by pumping your PC muscle several times, whilst slowly massaging your penis to gain an erection. Once you have reached the point of near ejaculation, flex your PC muscle as hard as possible, in order to eliminate any chance of ejaculation. Once the urge to ejaculate has passed, repeat the procedure a further 4 times in order to maximize the results of this exercise.

If u want more information mail me on

I can provide u with movies about this technique

Vote for me
2006-03-15 23:36:09 UTC
take my cock

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.