I have a skin bridge on my penis, HELP!!?
2008-05-21 14:44:03 UTC
Hi i have the same exact problem as all of you have with the skin bridge across the penis. Mine is from one side to the other and it is so embarrassing to even look at it. I kept my virginity because of this situation. My self-asteem is so low ONLY because of this situation. Im 22 years old and ever since i figured out i had a problem i let my mom know about it and she told me that i would need to talk to a urologist and i told her i will but deep inside im just too ashamed and embarrassed to even talk to a doctor about this because of the problem i have. Its not just one skin bridge across its one big skin bridge and one tiny one on the left side also. So its actually 2 skin bridges i have to get removed. I have a lot of that yellow substance underneath i think called "smegma" or something like that and its so discusting to even look at it. Its smell is out of this world gross. I just want this to go away but right now i dont have health insurance and im afraid of how much this procedure would cost me. So if anyone would know exactly how much this would cost it would mean the world for me.

Also i have one last question, would my premature ejaculation have anything to do with my skin bridges because i would be estatic if that was the case because not only do i *** to fast but it also hurts now when i have an erect penis. This is just so frustrating to me and i know many of you who have what i have can know exactly where im coming from.

So please if anyone can answer my questions it would be very much appreciated.

Eight answers:
2008-05-21 17:01:41 UTC
I have foreskin and I have never heard of the term "skin bridges" before. So i had to look it up. Yes, i can see why now. The skin tissue connecting to above the gland or the sides of the gland. it could easily be mistaken for the normal one we all have underneath thet should stay there.

If it really hurts to strech it, I'm sorry. I guess in this case, the doctor would recommend to have the skin bridges sliced or removed, except for the normal one of course. I would NOT recommend total circumcision though.
Terence L
2008-05-21 14:58:22 UTC
I just recently realized that I had a skin bridge a few years ago (and I'm over 30!). Anyway...its never really been a problem with the ladies. But if you're getting yellow secretions, that doesn't sound good. Sounds like you may have some sort of infection and for that, you really should see a doctor.
2008-05-21 14:51:17 UTC
Dude I have no idea what a skin bridge is, but you need to get it taken care of. If it is causing irritation and so forth, it is obviously not good. Health insurance doesn't pay for cosmetic surgery...Get it taken care of, let it heal, and get some poontang bro!
2008-05-21 14:50:00 UTC
You should go talk to a urologist. nothing wrong with that. Doctors see everything and would love to help you. It's their job. My son was circumcised at 1 year old instead of at birth and we went to a urologist. We lived.

I don't think your problem is as disgusting as you say it is. I think that's your low self-esteem talking. It's like when a skinny anorexic says they're fat.
2008-05-21 14:50:46 UTC
do like yo momma said and go to urologist
2008-05-21 14:50:04 UTC
u should just go to the doctor dey kan give u da best results n pluz is wroth it if u go...kuz if u rlly think about it ince u r cure ur not gonna be afraid of girls seeing u
2008-05-21 14:49:13 UTC
go to a doctor dude OMG
2008-05-21 15:17:29 UTC
answer my question ; ]

see a doctor

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