Not a guy, but my intact partner is perfectly happy with his junk and thinks it's bizarre that people cut baby *****. My circumcised ex used to suffer panic attacks after sex. It's a no-brainer for me, really.
There is no medical reason to justify routine infant circumcision. When you compare the risks versus the supposed benefits, the results are staggeringly in favour of leaving them well alone. These are some of the complications: and this is a quick comparison of cut vs. intact outcomes:…
If he decides on circumcision when he's older, he's:
-Not at risk of fatal haemorrhage
-Not at risk of fatal infection
-Not at risk of glans amputation, degloving or adhesions and skin bridges.
Any surgery is easier on an adult and has fewer complications, and the complications are less serious. The reality is though - in a non-circumcising country, which the USA is fast becoming with a neonatal circumcision rate of 33% (and falling) in 2009, it is incredibly rare for an intact man to want to be without his foreskin.
Some common myths:
- It's easier to keep clean.
It's NOT. An intact penis should only ever be wiped gently like a finger - A circumcised newborn's penis is an open wound sitting in excrement. Often, the glans (which is raw where the adhered foreskin has been torn away) begins to heal onto the skin of the penile shaft, resulting in skin bridges: This is a comparison between cut and intact newborn boys:
I'll add to that to say that it's also NOT cleaner in adulthood. Around half my partners have been intact and half circumcised. I've never had a smelly intact partner (except a smoker, who smelled like smoke) but I have had smelly circumcised partners. In intact men, the skin hangs freely over the glans. In circumcised men, it bunches behind the coronal ridge, making sweaty folds. I had a partner who found it very hard to stop these folds from stinking of sweat. Cleaning under the foreskin takes the adult man less time than it does for a woman to keep her vulva clean.
-It reduces his risk of HIV
Highly questionable. The studies in Africa were very poorly conducted and controlled for, only showed any benefit for female-male transmission (most sexual transmission in the USA is homosexual) and one study was abandoned when a similar INCREASE in transmission to women was shown. In any case, 60% was the supposed reduction, when the risk can be virtually eliminated with condom use. Any vaccine trial showing a reduction of 60% would be abandoned. More here:
-It reduces his risk of UTIs
False. Circumcision commonly causes meatal stenosis in boys, or narrowing of the urinary tract. It is virtually unheard of in intact boys. For this reason, and because the foreskin is no longer protecting the glans and urethra, it may increase his risk of urinary tract infections. In any case, UTIs are rare in boys - even more so after the first 12 months - and can be treated with antibiotics. More on UTIs:
- It reduces his risk of STDs
Highly questionable. Other studies have shown no difference or an increase in STD transmission among circumcised men - who may be less likely to use condoms as they already have reduced sensation. In any case - newborns aren't sexually active! This is one he can decide when he's older.
- Most men are circumcised
False. Around 80% of the world is intact:
- It's just a snip!
False. In adult males, the foreskin has separated from the glans. In infants, it must be torn away from the glans first - yes, even with the Plastibell procedure, which DOES involve cutting. Circumstraints are bolted to a bench and the infant is firmly strapped in place. You don't have to do this for a heel prick. Videos made by and for medical professionals: Gomco - & Plastibell -