2010-10-22 15:27:16 UTC
A couple of weeks ago I said to a friend; "it's weird when you're laying down and your balls hang down to your bum hole and rub against it and you get pleasure from it".
He said I was gay and should get checked out. I really regret saying it but can't go back now. I was just wondering if I can some how make him forget that I said this and stop him from telling people. Also, is it normal and does it make me a homosexual for getting this bizarre pleasure. If it spreads will every girl at my school look down at me and refuse to socialize with me? Will I be a virgin until I'm 40 and is it worth losing sleep over? I've offered my friend £20 to not tell anybody what I said and he told me that he can't promise he won't. I think he was joking but how can I gurantee that I will not get insulted because of this remark? Thanks.