Are you gay if you get pleasure from your anus being touched?
2010-10-22 15:27:16 UTC
This isn't a troll question. I've just had a few thoughts that I want to get out the way tonight.

A couple of weeks ago I said to a friend; "it's weird when you're laying down and your balls hang down to your bum hole and rub against it and you get pleasure from it".
He said I was gay and should get checked out. I really regret saying it but can't go back now. I was just wondering if I can some how make him forget that I said this and stop him from telling people. Also, is it normal and does it make me a homosexual for getting this bizarre pleasure. If it spreads will every girl at my school look down at me and refuse to socialize with me? Will I be a virgin until I'm 40 and is it worth losing sleep over? I've offered my friend £20 to not tell anybody what I said and he told me that he can't promise he won't. I think he was joking but how can I gurantee that I will not get insulted because of this remark? Thanks.
Seventeen answers:
2010-10-22 15:44:07 UTC
Well, it was probably an unfortunate comment, because of how society judges you.

First of all, feeling pleasure around your anus area is not homosexual, at all. In fact, some STRAIGHT guys like their partners to stick in their fingers into their anuses.

In your case, I believe it's not directly the anus what's feeling pleasure, it's the area between your testicles and anus, that area is so sensitive because when it's pressed it posses direct pressure into our prostate, which is considered the male's G point.

It's not worth loosing sleep over this comment, you will not be a virgin until 40 (unless it's for another eason), plus, if the guy is a good friend of yours there's no point in telling everyone about your comment.

Chill bro, you're probably not gay, it's an education thing, most males don't like to explore their bodies and realize that you can find pleasure in areas different that the penis & balls.

I trully think you're making a big deal out of it, talk to the guy and sort things out. Don't ruin your life @ school over an unfortunate comment.

If you have any other questions feel free to e-mail me, I'd be happy to answer any question you may have.

Take care bro!
2010-10-22 15:49:32 UTC
No it doesn't make you gay. Lots of straight men and women like being touched there. For some straight guys it really adds to the pleasure to have a toy used there even. In fertility clinics it is sometimes necessary to massage a man's prostrate...yep through get him to fill the cup. It is just another pleasure center for those not too hung up on what should be proper and what shouldn't be. As you get older, you are going to find out it isn't really a fine line at all. Whatever you enjoy with your partner, and whatever your partner enjoys is going to be right for you. It might seem kinky to someone else, but for you it is right. Just like there will be some things others do that you will think are a bit gross.

Your bud may even be jealous that your balls hang down so far that they could reach your hole. The fact is, most guys don't hang that well with their sack or with their penis. It would also naturally excite you, because your sack is very sensitive to the touch, and in sex, having someone handle them and do some of the things they can do to them, is really extremely sensual.

If your "friend" says anything about it, just tell him you will blab that he was curious about how big your equipment is. That will shut him up.
2016-11-01 17:59:22 UTC
Anus Gay
2010-10-22 18:17:46 UTC
Thanks for the response Harry Freak, I mean Harry Meek but lemme list some knowledge and things you need to know about getting your cheese hole freaked (;

1. I'm astonished by the question. Depending on who, or what touched your rectal spicket, you're extremely gay for liking it. Ryan Seacrest like things rubbing/touching his colon and we seen how he turned out.

2. You're brave for telling your friend that. The automated response from me would be something like "Yeah, they clog your sphincter and you fart your balls out your butt and they land in your lap and now your balls smell like shi-t covered testicles because there is no metaphoric way to describe the odor wafting of the newly lathered ballbag. Now thats the good stuff Harry!"

3. Actually every girl will respect you for being a fa.g. I don't know what it is, but they like the pitcher.

4. You're actually going to be a virgin forever, and I'd face facts.

5. You should have touched his butthole while he wasn't looking to show him how a man's touch was just so delicate to the nature of what we call a decompistion cannon. He would simply melt and you'd fall in love and soon there would be a movie about said situation called "Air Budz" when the word Air is actually slang for "Butt".

6. Oh and you're going to get insulted no matter what. You said nuts falling into your poop shoot turned you on. Whats the deal? But I guess you're not gay because they are YOUR nuts.

7. Thanks (=
2010-10-22 17:06:30 UTC
This is fairly normal and doesn't make you gay. You're friends sound kind of like assholes but I guess the best thing you could do is try to play it off like no big deal. On the plus side it seems like girls are attracted to gay guys so this could have its pro's if it does start spreading around. Just tell them you aren't gay and go from there.
2010-10-22 15:39:03 UTC
A lot of straight guys like anal stimulation.

What would make you gay is if you desire this stimulation to be provided to you by a member of the same sex. Doing it to yourself or it being done by your girlfriend/wife does not and will not make you gay.

As far as your friend telling everyone what you said, he's more likely to do it the more you protest about it. If you drop the issue and forget about it he will too, most likely. He only does it, or threatens to do it cause he knows it bothers you.
Trevorz here
2010-10-22 15:33:18 UTC
Oh please, this is ridiculous! Straight men like anal touching and so do straight women. It isn't exclusive to the gay men of the world!

I'll bet you many, many boys and girls have experimented touching themselves there.

What you said was very candid and probably too much information but you were honest. It does feel good.

So, are human. If you drop it everyone else might too. But don't share so much in the future.
Back again
2010-10-22 16:17:19 UTC
What has me puzzled is how your scrotum is so large and hangs so low that it comes into contact with your anus, maybe I just have the compact model.

Anyway, no, it does not make you gay. Lots of str8 guys enjoy anal stimulation.

The best thing to do if your "friend" starts to talk is deny.
2010-10-22 15:40:02 UTC
well I wouldn't say your gay unless your dreaming of another bloke rubbing your anus. Why would you offer your mate cash to keep his mouth shout, surly that would only give him more ammunition!

lf its ever mentioned just deny it and turn it around on your friend by asking "maybe your the one thinking about rubbing my anus, what you thinking about my anus for" in a joking manner, hopefully that will turn the joke on him. That's what I'd do.
2010-10-22 15:38:18 UTC
uhhh, no. Not at all. You're gay if another man is pleasuring your anus. Even then, it's kind of a gray area...
2010-10-22 15:59:57 UTC
No I am 100% straight n I love touching or getting touched on my *** n by my hole
2010-10-22 16:31:14 UTC
uh, no, only if you're actually attracted to guys/ want a penis up your a$s

it just feels good, something in your butt, really.

i'm not a lesbian, but a girl, or anyone, touching me sexually would feel good no matter what.
2010-10-22 16:11:38 UTC
you as is a very sensative area in men and women so it's all right

and **** what your friend says and if he tells your secret thing hes not really your friend is he
2010-10-22 15:36:15 UTC
Lol you're gay if you're attracted to guys
Maine Boy (formerly NYBoy)
2010-10-22 16:11:59 UTC
well here's a people like blowjobs does that mean everytime i get a ******* from my girlfriemd I am secretly having homosexual tendencies??
Mr X
2010-10-22 15:34:16 UTC

People are homofobes in high school.
2010-10-22 15:30:35 UTC
just be true to your heart,,, and your bum too in this case... ;-)

try it!,,, you'll like it!!

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