a) That is simply not true. Most of the penis related questions have to do with size. Only a small percentage are foreskin related.
b) Most of the questions are from Americans who (if uncircumcised) are usually not taught anything about the foreskin at all (like most Americans) since circumcision is so much more common. Consequently, many American boys who are intact are rather ignorant as to what is and what is not normal and how to deal with minor and normal foreskin issues that they mistakenly believe are major.
c) A good portion of those questions are "fake questions" by repeat posters whose intention is to paint the intact penis as a burden and foster their pro-circumcision attitude among the ignorant. This can be confirmed simply by checking the post history of many of them (which I do) if they don't have that feature blocked.
"Shouldn't this be a wake up call to uncircumcised men everywhere struggling with foreskin-related problems?"
That's like asking if a multitude of questions about hammer toe should be a wake up call to people struggling with foot problems. What exactly is the "wake up" call here? That since most people with hammer toe are complaining about it, that everyone with it should have their feet evaluated? That's kind of a no brainer isn't it?
"Shouldn't this be obvious that, despite how "medical statistics" can be twisted, circumcision is obviously medically superior?"
If that were the case, then everyone that ever complains about their penile sensitivity or asks about foreskin restoration should be considered as evidence that circumcision is not the way to go. Fortunately, neither case makes a compelling argument.
"Shouldn't this be a BIG CLUE not to listen to those crazy intactivists??"
No, but rants like your should be considered as evidence that crazyness circumcision activists rivals that of the "crazy intactivists". Just the fact that you came up with a name for crazy intactivist also furthers that notion.
"People, I just don't get it. LOOK at the evidence staring you RIGHT in the face... When almost all penis problems on the Y!A forum are foreskin-related, don't the numbers speak for themselves?"
The number do speak for themselves. But when you actually look at the numbers it pretty much invalidates your entire case. The numbers clearly demonstrate nothing beyond the fact that a very small number of American boys are rendered ignorant of foreskin maintenance due to the pro circumcision majority in the US and the bias involved.
I'll end it there since I know I'm not going to get best answer for this, lol. I'm sure you'll just pick some idiot answer that just happens to agree with yours (even though it makes no sense and distorts facts).
But, let's just see how many people on here end up agreeing with your logic and compare their explainations to the explainations and intellegence of the people who disagree with you. That stat I'm sure will speak for itself on who's argument really makes sense.
How's that for "food for thought".