Why is it that almost all penis questions posted on Y!A are problems with foreskin?
2010-06-01 22:59:05 UTC
Shouldn't this be a wake up call to uncircumcised men everywhere struggling with foreskin-related problems?

Shouldn't this be obvious that, despite how "medical statistics" can be twisted, circumcision is obviously medically superior?

Shouldn't this be a BIG CLUE not to listen to those crazy intactivists??

People, I just don't get it. LOOK at the evidence staring you RIGHT in the face... When almost all penis problems on the Y!A forum are foreskin-related, don't the numbers speak for themselves?

Just food for thought.
Nineteen answers:
2010-06-02 02:23:05 UTC
The problems of circumcizing are exaggerated. Its amazing the number of guys having problems with their skins. Too tight, stuck to the head, infections. If all boys were just cut at birth you'ld go through life having a nice smooth, clean, dry penis without any malfunctions or smells or diseases. It even helps protect against AIDS. And you get more 'oral attention'.
2010-06-02 19:29:23 UTC
Your reasoning is a little bit off my friend. First of all, a very small percentage of questions on men's health have to do with foreskin from what I've seen. Considering the fact that statistically at least 30-40% of all the answers are from uncircumcised men-boys, that's a relatively low amount of foreskin related questions.

In addition, most of the foreskin related question are not REAL problems, just assumed problems by people who don't know any better (probably because they are American and aren't told about the foreskin and usually see circumcised penises).

Case in point:

So your numbers are kind of warped and regardless, even if this was a legit point of view it still doesn't wouldn't go so far as proving that circumcision was any "better". So this was an epic fail and it's obvious that the "procircs" (isn't that what you guys call yourselves now) need much more of a reason to consistently try to prove their case which only goes to show how insecure they are from an argumentative standpoint. You guys ultimately have no case and it often shows in the desperation of questions like these.
2010-06-02 14:16:34 UTC
Are you serious? Do you really think that these guys make up a signifcant portion of the entire male population? Your argument is like saying that the existence of a website where a couple hundred women present their problems with a certain birth control pill is sufficient "evidence" to assume that ALL women must be having problems with the pill, and it should be taken off the market. We can't just preemptively slice off body parts because one out of a thousand men will have a problem in the future.

For every guy who has a foreskin problem, there are thousands more guys who have never had a single problem with their foreskin in their life.

And honestly, what else do you expect to see on Men's Health? Of course there are going to be questions about foreskin problems. They happen sometimes (although they're usually not a true "problem" at all). It's just as common to see questions about problems with erections or ejaculation (all three are equally common here, although stupid questions are more common- like "how can I get my penis bigger?"). Y/A is a great place to ask about about foreskin problems because foreskin is such a taboo thing to talk about and a lot of guys only feel safe talking about their foreskins online. Y/A is a very simple, non-intrusive forum where you can get answers easily and quickly, and you don't need to do much to be a member. If you just want to ask a single question, Y/A is a good choice because sign-up is very simple and non-intrusive.

The majority of guys who ask questions about foreskin "problems" do not realize that their problem can be easily alleviated, whether through antibiotics, or steroid cream, or manual stretching. Also: By far the most common foreskin-related question is, "Why won't my foreskin retract?" and usually it's simply because the foreskin is just not ready to retract. Oftentimes, it isn't until puberty that a guy's foreskin will retract.

Saying that foreskin is a mistake by nature is like saying that part of a girl's vulva is a mistake by nature....or an arm, or a leg, or a tendon, or a hair follicle, or whatever. Every single male mammal on earth has a foreskin, and that's not a coincidence.

You really need to calm down with your foreskin hatred. Are you sad because yours was sliced off and now you're less sensitive than other guys?
2010-06-02 08:20:29 UTC
They aren't. Most penis questions posted on here are about size and enlargement.

Plus you have to realise this is a forum that people come to when they have problems. So you will see a lot of penis problems, that doesn't mean that MOST men in the world have size, foreskin, etc related problems it just means we are in a place where we see a lot of it. But this forum is not the real world, I can't believe someone had to tell you that.

Also you have to understand what constitutes as a major foreskin problem. The most common problem on here related to the foreskin is tightness or Phimosis. This is a problem that can be easily fixed and to be honest is very easily avoided. What causes these problems are parents not teaching their children how to properly take care of thier foreskin at around ages 8-10 and to pull back the skin and clean. The kids are left to figure it out on their own which might take untill 14-15 years old and then they have a tightness issue. So it's not the foreskin that's the problem it's that their parents are incompetent and lazy.

Most uncircumcised men do not have any issues with the foreskin. Plus you would realise that circumcised men on here have just as many problems as uncircumcised men on here it's just in a different area. Most circumcised men on here have problems with sexual dysfunction, problems enjoying sex, problems with erections etc. Which you would rather have? Sexual function problems from nerve damage OR a simple tight foreskin problem that can be fixed with stretching.

Do not take statistics off here and think that they apply to the real world, they don't.

I have never had a problem with my foreskin (since I have had it over a year from restoration). In fact sex is a million times better. I am not going to give up great sex over someting that could be fixed simply.

Again Yahoo! Answers is NOT the real world. Stop thinking that it is.

If you were in the dental forum you would notice a lot of people have problems with tooth pain and cavaties. Does that mean that people who keep their teeth are crazy? Because obviously having teeth causes a lot of problems. NO! It's just that these forums are deditcated to male related health problems, so you will see penile problems a lot, doesn't mean most men have all these penile problems.

Take a statistics class and learn how to properly collect data to make a point.

2010-06-02 05:15:06 UTC
I don't know which Y!A you look at, but most of the penis questions I've seen are to do with size, and are usually of the 'my penis is only 9 inches and I'm already 14 years old' type.

I live in a country that, like almost all of the civilised world, doesn't routinely circumcise it's boys, and we don't have any problems with it.

OK, some guys do have tight foreskin during puberty, but most grow out of it, and the others manage to stretch their foreskins themselves. Circumcision is almost never needed for this problem, because there are other, less destructive, surgical options available.

We don't have an epidemic of penile cancer, we have a lower rate of STDs and HIV than the USA, and no women ever question the fact that their partners have a normal penis.

We have homes with running water, and we manage to keep ourselves clean by showering every day, so we don't have any problems with a build up of smegma causing odours.

I can understand American guys attempting to justify the fact that they are only half a man, but since the rates of RIC are dropping over there, and insurance companies are stopping paying for cosmetic surgery, it won't be long before the USA catches up with the rest of the world, and leaves all of it's boys intact.

EDIT: Wesley A has given a very good answer to the points that you have raised.

If you want further proof, just look at the numbers of thumbs up and thumbs down given to the various answers, and that'll give a clear indication of public opinion on this subject.

Circumcised guys are a minority, even religious circumcision is in a decline, and one day it will be history.
2010-06-02 04:26:22 UTC
The penis questions most frequently posted on Y/A are regarding size; either "is it big enough?" or "how can I make it bigger?"

Next is premature ejaculation, or "how can I last longer in bed." ---most of these guys are circumcised.

And also how to make masturbation better---and most of these guys are circumcised, because circumcision reduces the enjoyment in both sex and masturbation.

As circumcision was so prevalent in the USA in the past, many Americans aren't familiar with the foreskin, and sons don't talk to parents about sexual matters or things involving their genitals--they're too shy. That's why there are those questions about the foreskin. We don't see very many of these from the countries where males are intact.

FYI, more than 200,000 guys are restoring their foreskins to regain some of the sensitivity/function destroyed by the mutilation and damage that is circumcision. I know; I'm one of them.

And it feels incredibly better with a foreskin.

Circumcision is a fraud and a hoax.

A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

Wesley A
2010-06-02 18:54:20 UTC
a) That is simply not true. Most of the penis related questions have to do with size. Only a small percentage are foreskin related.

b) Most of the questions are from Americans who (if uncircumcised) are usually not taught anything about the foreskin at all (like most Americans) since circumcision is so much more common. Consequently, many American boys who are intact are rather ignorant as to what is and what is not normal and how to deal with minor and normal foreskin issues that they mistakenly believe are major.

c) A good portion of those questions are "fake questions" by repeat posters whose intention is to paint the intact penis as a burden and foster their pro-circumcision attitude among the ignorant. This can be confirmed simply by checking the post history of many of them (which I do) if they don't have that feature blocked.

"Shouldn't this be a wake up call to uncircumcised men everywhere struggling with foreskin-related problems?"

That's like asking if a multitude of questions about hammer toe should be a wake up call to people struggling with foot problems. What exactly is the "wake up" call here? That since most people with hammer toe are complaining about it, that everyone with it should have their feet evaluated? That's kind of a no brainer isn't it?

"Shouldn't this be obvious that, despite how "medical statistics" can be twisted, circumcision is obviously medically superior?"

If that were the case, then everyone that ever complains about their penile sensitivity or asks about foreskin restoration should be considered as evidence that circumcision is not the way to go. Fortunately, neither case makes a compelling argument.

"Shouldn't this be a BIG CLUE not to listen to those crazy intactivists??"

No, but rants like your should be considered as evidence that crazyness circumcision activists rivals that of the "crazy intactivists". Just the fact that you came up with a name for crazy intactivist also furthers that notion.

"People, I just don't get it. LOOK at the evidence staring you RIGHT in the face... When almost all penis problems on the Y!A forum are foreskin-related, don't the numbers speak for themselves?"

The number do speak for themselves. But when you actually look at the numbers it pretty much invalidates your entire case. The numbers clearly demonstrate nothing beyond the fact that a very small number of American boys are rendered ignorant of foreskin maintenance due to the pro circumcision majority in the US and the bias involved.

I'll end it there since I know I'm not going to get best answer for this, lol. I'm sure you'll just pick some idiot answer that just happens to agree with yours (even though it makes no sense and distorts facts).

But, let's just see how many people on here end up agreeing with your logic and compare their explainations to the explainations and intellegence of the people who disagree with you. That stat I'm sure will speak for itself on who's argument really makes sense.

How's that for "food for thought".
2010-06-02 11:51:04 UTC
Most 'foreskin' problems are iatrogenic. That means they're caused by doctors damaging the foreskin. In Europe virtually no one has 'foreskin' problems and there almost everyone is intact. Only in the US, where doctors are taught to care for an intact penis as if it's a circumcised penis (which results in damage that causes infection and later phimosis), are these problems common.

So yes, the numbers have something important to say, but you have to consider ALL the numbers, and not just those in the USA, and you have to look beneath the surface to see what's really going on. We have a big problem in this country, and it's not a 'foreskin' problem, except insofar as it's doctors damaging the foreskin.

You don't fix the problem by removing the evidence that shows who the real culprits are. And you certainly don't fix infections by amputation.
Dr. Kyron MacMannis
2010-06-02 04:56:14 UTC
I think the wake up call should be made to those fools who try to believe a lie: that circumcision is a good thing.

What you need to know about circumcision is that is it a terrible mutilation of the human body. No civilised person could ever allow this to happen to someone they claim to love. Circumcision is the removal of the (male) foreskin. Uncut or uncircumcised refer to the natural state of the penis where the whole of the sexual organs are intact. About 90% of the males on Earth are not circumcised, but it is still practiced as a routine in Israel and in the USA.

Circumcision of a boy if as painful as circumcision of a girl - that means cutting of the clitoris and labia of a girl! I cannot imagine why anyone would want to inflict significant injury and permanent damage on a child or any other human. It is as good to be circumcised as it is to cut off your eyelid so your eye no longer has the protection and lubrication it was designed to have. A male was born with a foreskin for a reason, and it was not so it could be cut off!

Circumcised penises are no cleaner than a natural one - any one who says so obviously has no idea what they are talking about. It is said "World Health Organization and the Center [American spelling] of Disease Control want all males circumcised", but that is not true. The benefits of a foreskin far outweigh the benefits of circumcision. Only a fool would want to inflict such terrible carnage on another human. WHO and CDC do support circumcision, but only because American doctors and pharmaceutical companies make huge dollars out of the cruel process. They are willing to sacrifice human health and wellbeing on the altar of monetary greed.

Circumcision of the male is just as barbaric and cruel as circumcision of the female. Most people would not even consider inflicting such damage on a girl, yet some still consider it an acceptable practice to perform on a boy.
2010-06-02 02:57:32 UTC
so because of the small amount of questions on here about foreskin problems (usually because parents havent taught their sons to care for themselves properly) all men should be butchered? so because there are also a lot of questions about "is my penis the right size" that must mean that all men have a problem with their penis size?

This is the place to ask about problems. What about all the answers from males who have not had any issues with their natural penis? I never had any issues before I got circumcised. I got talked into being circumcised as an adult by my girlfriend because she had never seen a uncircumcised NATURAL penis and said it was ugly. After all these years of telling myself it was so much better to be cut i now realise i was wrong. The head of my penis has lost so much sensitivity, my erections are not as big because the skin is so tight on the shaft it is uncomfortable and i now have this big ugly scar. Some say it smells to be uncircumcised, well i can tell you after a day working my genitals smell the same now as when i was 17 (before i was cut). I now need to use lube if i masturbate where as I didnt when i was uncut.

My bigest regret was that i had my sons circumcised at birth as well. Now they will never know the joy of being intact. I just hope that one day they will forgive me. Plus my oldest came home once and asked why his looked so different to most of the other guys in gym class. I had to sit him down and tell him why, didnt I feel guilty after that

I am now looking into foreskin restoration by stretching and hope to start it soon. I hope to get some of the feeling back that I have lost.

Im the end if a girl makes you change any part of your body then you should dump her. Would you expect a girl to get a breast implant to keep you happy? its both uneccessary cosmetic surgery.
chris d
2010-06-03 16:39:24 UTC
the numbers who do not speak are what you should be concerned with, they are the circumcised silent majority who are cut. some feel they have lost something but have nothing to say. they may have problems with there penis there is no real for cure other than viagra and harder and harder sex to achieve satisfaction, .those with a foreskin that is tight or similar still have hope and are looking to cure there little problems as simply and as harmlessly as they can so they may achieve the sexual completeness they seek so lets be positive. remember why circumcise 100% of boys to cure the 8% who will go on to have a minor foreskin problem its surgical madness . 92% of boys say if i aint broke you dont' need to circumcise me .
2010-06-02 02:57:27 UTC
well I'm 37 and still have my foreskin and I have not had an issue with it in my life yet. Just about all the males in my family and wifes family are uncut and I dont think any of us have ever had an issue with it.

some reasons why people say a male should be circumcised.

1-- its cleaner to be cut.,

i wash everyday and have no problem with smegma or smell. does that mean cut guys dont have to wash? Mine takes a whole 5 seconds to wash in the shower. Not really a big deal is it.

2-- It helps prevent HIV being spread.

While this "may" be true (i dont think it does) then why is the AIDS rate in the USA so high when the circ rate is still high for adult men but Europe is lower where the vast majority of men are uncut. the same goes for cervical cancer on their partners. Also what is wrong with wearing a condom? not only stops pregnancy but many other STD's as well.

3-- looks better to be cut.

So just because "some" people think it looks better does that mean everyone must be cut? If one person likes large breasts does that mean all women need a breast implant? Plus how can a large scar line around the shaft of your penis be attractive?

4-- stops the male getting phismosis.

So because "some" men "may" have this issue all men should be cut? doesnt make sense to me even more so when phismosis can be treated without circumcision. Plus we keep our tonsils and apendix when some people have problems with them.

5-- he may get picked on at school.

I never did when a lot of the other guys at school were cut. Why are other guys looking at my penis anyway? plus I never had a sexual partner say they didnt want to have sex with me because of my foreskin.

6-- So he looks like dad.

My step father was circumcised as was my step brother. I never had an issue that mine was different because I knew I was intact and they were not. My mother taught me why mine was not the same as them and I never had an issue with it.

7-- Its my choice as a parent.

Is it your right to remove a part of your child's body for any of the above reasons when it is not needed? why not let the boy make the choice as informed adult what he wants done to his body.

And its good to see that stevex is back with the same story as al other times. (now has the name of HBCaliDu). He has a link from a woman who doesnt like a penis with a foreskin, I wonder if she has ever seen one up close? Plus just because she doesnt like them does that mean all men should be cut just because SOME women dont like them?
2010-06-03 06:26:51 UTC
the amount of people who come onto yahoo answers and complain about their foreskins is almost nonexistent when compared to the number of people who are living healthy, happy lives with their penis' intact.

yahoo answers is not any evidence that foreskins are unhealthy.
thom t
2010-06-01 23:42:32 UTC
Foreskin-related problems have solutions, short of chopping off part of you. Circumcision-related problems often have no solution, or difficult solutions: hemorrhage or infection in babies leading to scarring or even death, damage to the penis by careless doctors(occasionally loss of the entire penis), keratinization leading to loss of sensitivity, lack of natural lubrication necessitating creams etc.

Most doctors associations, even in the circumcision-crazy USA, do not endorse infant circumcision.

The majority of men in the world are intact, and the better off for it.

I'm sorry if you have never experienced a complete penis. What you've never had, you don't miss, I guess.
2010-06-03 06:29:19 UTC
Seems to me the vast majority of problems stem from victims of circumcision. What color is the sky in your world ?
2010-06-03 09:34:57 UTC
this should help
2010-06-01 23:03:02 UTC
Yea any penis questions are is mine big enough or like you said foreskin/infections etc..

Every uncircumcized guy I have ever known had issues at times with hygiene and infections.

Yet you see people saying its maiming and wrong to circumcize. I sure dont feel bad my mom decided to have me circumcized.
2010-06-01 23:15:23 UTC
your right brother. but some people (those activists) say that the guy should choose since its his not his mothers but who knows?....

just saying.....
2010-06-01 23:02:38 UTC
I'll drink to that!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.