How does one get rid of a plantar's wart?
2006-03-28 07:54:00 UTC
How does one get rid of a plantar's wart?
Seven answers:
Nurse Annie
2006-03-28 07:58:44 UTC
Over-the-counter medications contain chemicals that destroy skin cells (e.g., acid) and may damage healthy tissue surrounding the wart. Self-treatment for plantar warts using an over-the-counter preparation is not recommended.

In some cases, podiatrists apply mild acid (e.g., salicylic acid, cantharidin, dichloroacetic acid) topically to treat plantar warts. This treatment, which often requires multiple applications over the course of several weeks, disintegrates viral cells and allows healthy skin cells to replace them.

Laser treatments (e.g., CO2 laser cautery) can be used to treat plantar warts. Laser treatment is performed in a podiatristÂ’s office or an outpatient surgery facility using local anesthesia. Lasers produce little scarring and are effective in most cases. Cryotherapy involves freezing warts with a very cold solution (e.g., sodium nitride) that destroys the virus and causes the wart to turn black and fall off within a few days. This treatment is ineffective in some cases when the solution does not penetrate far enough to completely destroy the virus. Surgical removal (called debridement) usually is not recommended to treat plantar warts because it can cause painful scarring. Generally, this procedure is used to remove several small warts in a limited area. Debridement is performed using anesthesia and can be used with acid to destroy the virus and prevent the warts from regrowing.
2016-12-25 08:07:52 UTC
2006-03-28 13:30:10 UTC
Plantar Wart (Verruca)

Others have explained Laser and Cryotherapy. These treatments must be used by qualified professionals only. The idea of duct tape has some value. This type of treatment occludes oxygen and inhibits growth of the verruca virus. If you prefer a more natural method banana skin pith side towards the damaged skin and changed daily or vitamin E oil applied to the verruca daily has also shown some good results. In the United Kingdom preparations can be purchased from Chemists which are very successful. But here comes the cautionary word: whichever type of treatment you choose please keep up the treatment.

Treat only the infected area and protect the good skin from any preparation that you choose. A way to protect the outer good skin is to smear a small amount of pertroleum jelly (vaseline) thinly before applying whatever type of plaster you can use. Many people become bored or forgetful half way through treatment and only end up "feeding" the virus and it becomes much more difficult to rid yourself of it. There is also a misconception that once you have had the verruca virus you will not get it again. Needless to say there are many people who are constantly reinfected. If you are a regular visitor to swimming pools/baths try wearing verruca socks or putting flip flops on as you climb out of the pool.

There is also a suggestion that the virus will pass through the body in 8-12 weeks. In many cases this is so but there are also large numbers of people who report much longer periods of time that the verruca stays firmly planted in their foot. One such person presented with a 10 year old verruca.
2006-03-28 08:56:45 UTC
Use duct tape!

Simple duct tape treatment is more effective than liquid nitrogen freezing for common warts. This study of 51 patients compared standard liquid nitrogen freezing (cryotherapy) to a treatment which consisted of covering the wart with duct tape. In the liquid nitrogen group, 60% of the warts were cured, but duct tape treatment eliminated 85% of the warts within the two month limit of the study. The warts that responded to treatment usually did so within the first month of either therapy.

The duct tape treatment is done in this manner: cover the wart with duct tape (chosen for its sticky qualities) for 6 days. Leave the tape on, and don't remove it even for bathing. On the seventh day remove the tape, soak the wart in warm water and gently abrade it with a course emery board or pumice stone. Allow the wart to dry and harden again overnight, then reapply the duct tape for another 6 days. If the tape comes off before the sixth day, reapply it. Repeat this cycle for a minimum of 4 weeks treatment.

Basically, what you need to do is put duct tape on the wart for six days (to two months, depending on how subborn the wart is), then remove the wart easily with a pumice stone or something rough - like sandpaper. Save your money on all of those doctor visits or nasty, poisonous over-the-counter wart remedies. Buy a roll of duct tape and do it yourself!
2006-03-28 08:34:44 UTC
You need to get the center seed out. Over the counter freeze medication or an application at the DR.$$ cost ya. Warts are from a viral infection within your system and the body will eventually take care of it
2016-03-13 13:04:10 UTC
I had one in junior high, and let it go. It spread so bad that my whole ball of my foot from my toes and down the side had to be burned. It took several sessions before the Dr got it all. Forget what that one said about the nerves and all, your foot will recover, since you walk on it and use it all the time, it will rejuvenate and become normal. You couldn't even tell a few months after that anything was ever done to my foot.
2006-03-28 07:57:20 UTC
you can get them frozen off by your doctor

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