2012-10-24 16:26:53 UTC
I was also born here and have therefore been circumcised. It's not that I ever really minded, but after having been to other parts of the world and doing research on this topic I seriously don't think it's necessary. Why would you subject an infant to all this pain (it is a surgery on a very sensitive part of the body), which has 0 use in the Western world. We're actually cutting off the foreskin, which has many important nerve endings and functions. I sometimes wonder how society would react if we all of a sudden started cutting off female clitoral hoods.
I understand that people make different choices, but the central question here is why we are so much more reluctant to change and want our sons to be circumcised if other countries don't seem to have the same problem? I have previously looked through all the published medical data in the developed world and just don't see the great effect of circumcision despite all the claims. \
Dr. Lisa Masterson has been promoting it on TV here like crazy, but sometimes I wonder why these people don't get circumcised themselves if they're so crazy about circumcision. I bet a lot of cultures around the world think that Dr. Lisa Masterson would look a whole lot better circumcised.