Try going to a nutritionist. Or a doctor who uses a holistic approach to the stomach.
I was diagnosed with dysbiosis and leaky gut. My doctor said that NSAIDS, antibiotics, steriods can kill good Bacteria in your stomach and cause immune system problems as well, create fibroids, and other complications. Also food allergies in many cases can cause serious issues in the stomach. I suggest testing for food allergies as well. And find out your families medical history!!!
I have to take serotonin meds, thyroid meds , and have low levels of female hormones and they say its all becuase my stomach is messed up.
The best method of treatment I found was through diet. Get yourself some books that cite actual medical info. Find something for auto-immune disoders, candida infestation, stomach related disorders and their causes.
Most doctors are not very accomidating, its easier to perscribe medicine than solve the get out their and solve it for yourself.. If you know tests you should take then make them give them to you or find a doctor who will. And try a nutritionist