2 yr. old circumcision?
2012-06-08 21:16:08 UTC
I need some advice.. My sister is going to be adopting our nephew this Fall. My sister (His mother) passed, and so my eldest sister is adopting him. She has been his guardian for over a yr now.
Anyways, she plans on getting him circumcised as soon as he's on her insurance. This fall.
He will be 2. I'm TOTALLY against it, but she's really set against it. She says It's cleaner and easier for him and she doesn't want him to look different and get teased at school when he's older.

Can someone give me pros/cons about circumcision? I'm so nervous because he'll be getting put under anesthesia. I want to do my best to convince her otherwise.
Don't get me wrong- She loves him to death, she's an absolutely wonderful mother. I just think this is a mistake.
27 answers:
2012-06-09 10:24:08 UTC
Don't worry, there are many good reasons for your nephew to get circumcised regardless of age.

Let's face it, given the choice, it is more beneficial for a boy to be circumcised. The earlier, the better. It's cleaner, healthier and eliminates a lifetime of problems. Not all boys get circumcised when they're born and it's not uncommon for boys to be circumcised at age 2. And it's really not a big deal. They're just removing some excess leftover skin that's all. It's a very simply and minor procedure. And in case you're wondering, there's not a single benefit to be had from keeping the foreskin. You want your nephew circumcised so he can grow up to be a normal healthy boy.

I wasn't circumcised and was actually the only kid in high school not circumcised which in itself is ... AWKWARD! Being uncircumcised is pretty nasty and gross. It's just weird to still have a foreskin as you grow up. Made me feel like some caveman. I guess you'd want a little hoody if you were running around naked hunting and gathering. But since we're always wearing clothes it gets pretty hot and funky under there. The perfect breeding ground for germs and bacteria. I've read all the anti circ stuff and they must be talking about something else. I can tell you that being uncircumcised ain't all that. It only caused problems for me. I was 8 when the smegma (look that up - soooo gross) actually clogged up my urethra and I couldn't urinate. After 3 days I was finally brought to the emergency room (i was still not circumcised). I was finally circumcised when in my late teens and it's a million times better in every way. It's cleaner, healthier and yes, feels better. As opposed to keeping the foreskin pulled back, it just stays that way, That's all. It's a lot more natural with it being able to breath and now it just stays clean all the time. Not sure what the point is of keeping the foreskin once you're born and why you'd want to keep it. You want the head of the penis uncovered at all times and the foreskin removed. Being circumcised is just healthier and normal. Don't worry, he'll be fine.
2016-02-23 02:16:43 UTC
I share your views on circumcision, and also have a 2 year old. Go ahead and get a urologists opinion, or as someone suggested another if you are conflicted. But if he needs it, do not feel bad for doing it nor second guess deciding against it initially, as it would be one case where it is necessary. I have noticed my son's occassionally looks a bit swollen at the tip and think its probably normal for intact boys, but he has never had any oozing or infection. ETA: I agree that they may be making too much of the tight foreskin thing. As mentioned above I have seen this on my 2 year old from time to time and he never experienced any pain or problems. My husband is from a country where no one is circ. and says its pretty common until the foreskin starts to retract at a younger age. I don't know the norm in Canada but here in the states some doctors don't know how to deal with uncut kids. And some have a very pro circ bias. So get some other opinions and do what you think is best. My son suffers from chronic/severe constipation and takes a small dose of miralax daily. It started when we added baby food at 6 months, before that he only had breastmilk which is easy to digest I guess. I wonder of resolving that issue and the resultant bladder problems would have an impact on the penis issues, since I know first hand how downright miserable constipation can make a kid. It sounds like you've got the right idea. Do what you need to do and do not feel bad. Life will do that to you enough without doing it to yourself!
2012-06-09 12:52:54 UTC
This poor little boy has just lost his mom. Why put him through this pain and trauma right now? There is nothing hazardous about leaving his penis alone, so it would strictly be elective cosmetic surgery. He will probably remember it, and he will know there was nothing wrong with his body and his aunt/new momma chose to alter it and that it hurt. Why not teach him acceptance, starting by accepting him the way he is? If she is worried about cleanliness, here is my personal experience on the subject... I have 2 intact brothers, 7 and11, who's diapers I changed frequently. You don't have to do anything! Boy parts are very similar to girl parts in that they are self cleaning. You only wipe it like you wipe a finger clean. Babies foreskin is fused to the head of the penis. It separates gradually and is fully retractable by adulthood, but on average by age 10. Never try to pull it back! There is nothing parents need to do during thus separation process except make sure he bathes regularly. I also had a pretty long relationship with a man who was not circumcised. It was not gross. It looks the same as a cut one when erect, minus the scar and the dried out appearance of circumcised penises. He showered every day or two just like every other guy I've been with, and no there was no bad smell or anything like that. Male parts are far easier to clean than female parts regardless. Hygiene should not be a factor in signing up for surgery! The current rate of babies being circumcised is between 33 and 54 percent. (there are conflicting statistics, thus the wide range) So when this little boy goes to school, if there are even schools where kids are permitted to shower naked anymore, chances are about half his friends will look like him and half won't. Would you rather he get made of for having all his parts or for missing something? Kids will always find a reason to tease, and I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone but cosmetic surgery to prevent teasing is ludicrous. You wouldn't give your daughter a boob or nose job to fit in, right? There are a lot of pros and cons floating around, but most of those pros are from flawed studies or have been disproven. Keep in mind this is the most commonly performed procedure in America and it makes a buttload of money. Some of the pros seem like they're grasping at straws to keep it going, and not just for the money but who wants to admit something we've been doing for over 100 years is wrong? Why are we so focused on whether cutting off this body part reduces the risk of this or that by 1 percent, and not thinking what are the benefits of keeping this body part, and what danger does it pose to keep it attached like almost every other country does. Share with your sister the fact that no medical organization in the world recommends it. Many people don't know that. The American Academy of Pediatrics even, which is the most pro-circ medical organization, states that the potential benefits do not outweigh the risks and are not sufficient enough to recommend that all boys be circumcised. Some great websites for more research that you may want to direct her too are and I hope you can make her have a change of heart. This little boy has been through enough. He can always get it done when he's older if he so chooses, but if she has him cut and he isn't happy later, there's no going back.
2012-06-09 06:49:18 UTC
Circumcision is a brutally cruel and highly destructive procedure that removes essential, healthy, vital, nerve rich tissue from the penis for no other reason than to make doctors rich.

The foreskin contains 20,000+ touch and pressure receptors that represent 75% of the sexually sensitive tissue on the penis. How could having some hack in a lab coat slice this skin off make things better? It can't and it won't.

You simply cannot remove that much nerve innervated tissue from the penis and still expect it to function normally.

Circumcision is an aberration of medical science, an atrocity of religious practice, a violation of the rights of the child, and a link to barbarism in cultural acceptance.

No child is born needing to be circumcised and circumcision is never necessary,...ever.

When males are born, the foreskin/glans are fused together by connective tissue called Synechia. This bonds and seals the area under the foreskin, keeping out dirt, bacteria, and diaper debris. A circumcised child has the urethral opening exposed to infection causing bacteria.

As the child ages and handles the penis more through urination, general interest, and later, masturbation, this connective tissue begins to dissolve, separating the foreskin and glans. This is the first step in the retraction process and can happen anytime between the ages of 6-16 years.

The owner of the foreskin should be the first person to try to retract.

I have four sons and in each case, we took the whole baby home. I must have changed a million diapers over the years, and never once has there been a problem in this area. Now, they are teenagers and still no problems.

There is no special care of the intact (not circumcised) child. Just wash the exterior of the genitals at bath time, and never, ever try to retract the foreskin. It is connected to the glans and won't retract.

Forcing it back is like tearing off a fingernail.

If she was adopting a daughter, would she even consider circumcising her? Daughters produce five times the amount of vaginal secretion and their genital area is far more difficult to keep clean.

Your will wife recoil in horror at the thought of female circumcision, but it is the same thing for a male.

The clitoral hood and the foreskin are direct male female equivalents.

I have posted some information below about the damage caused by circumcision and why the child should be left to make the decision when they are old enough to make informed consent.

I was confronted by my wife and her family when my first son was born, they, demanding he be circumcised for all the barbaric, mythical reasons of it being cleaner, painless, etc. I stood my ground and protected my son. When he survived without some horrible disease from being left natural, the question was never raised again when the other three came along.

The interesting thing is the circumcised nephews all had complications from their circumcisions and required additional surgery for meatal stenois, and ulcerated meatus,...a direct consequence of circumcision.

The foreskin is self cleaning and the myth of it being dirty has been disproved decades ago. It is the misinformation that needs to change,...not the little boy.

If circumcision was such a good idea, nature would have picked up on it eons ago. As it is, nature still provides a foreskin with each birth package because the foreskin is an integral part of the male genital anatomy.

You need to stand your ground and refuse to allow this procedure.

Good luck and I hope this helped. Please feel free to write to me through my profile page if you want to discuss this further. I am adamantly opposed to circumcision for any reason as it destroys the natural function of the penis.

Many more adults who do credible research are shunning the practice as cruel and mutilating.

Emily Jean
2012-06-09 13:35:45 UTC
Look at the world- are their penises falling off because they aren't circumcised? It's a worthless procedure with no medical benefits. They aren't circumcising boys in the UK simply because of an infection. I've had some infections before and thank goodness my mother decided not to cut off my labia because of it. Read the AAP or the WHO's recommendations on the subject- they do NOT recommend circumcising babies.

And for the people who say 'there are many problems with intact and NO problems without' that's a boldfaced lie. Children die every year from circumcisions. There are other problems as well, the most common being erectile dysfunction as an adult. We are the only country that routinely circumcises and we have the highest usage of Viagra.

Also- do you REALLY think adults feel pain more than babies do? That is the single most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. When a baby bumps his head, does he cry? What about when an adult bumps his head? The baby cries more when hurt because we as adults are able to manage pain better. Let this poor kid decide whether he wants to have part of his penis cut off. It's his choice, no one else's.
2012-06-09 07:34:49 UTC
Keely he knows what it is like to have a uncircumcised penis he has had it for 2 years and i think it would be more traumatic for him to get circumcised have a doctor cutting on his penis. IF it is not broken dont fix it. Being uncircumcised is not a bad thing it is no dirtier than an circumcised penis you have to wash your body daily arm pits hair or you will stink. She should honor her sisters wishes of keeping him intact that is what she wanted for her son. He will not get teased Circumcison is on the decline now a days and when he gets to the point of someone else seeing his penis there will be others that are also uncircumcised. I would allow him to make the decision what will it matter if he has it done now or when he can make his own mind and have it done later. It will be the same operation the doctor will anesthesa him either local or general cut his penis down and around then put stiches in it that he will have to deal with for 4 weeks pain in his penis and the new sensations that he will have to deal with until it heals. I think that you need to intervene it is your late sisters son and your sister should accept the boy as he is and not be so willing to change him to fit her idea of what a boy should be.

If she is going to have this done she needs to interview the doctor that is doing it and make sure she takes him to a pediactric urologist and not just let anyone do it if they botch his circumcision he will have to live with the deformed penis the rest of his life. what is worse a botched deformed penis or some foreskin

2012-06-09 11:54:25 UTC
Some of the answers here are so sad. :'( People are presenting old myths as facts. The fact is no medical organization in the world, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends circumcision. Circumcised boys being born now in the US are in the minority (CDC 2010). Over 80% of the world is intact. It's cosmetic surgery on a person incapable of providing informed consent. His parents obviously thought he was perfect the way God made him, they should respect their decision and his body.

Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe

CIrcumcision does great harm to babies

Published on September 11, 2011 by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D. in Moral Landscapes

*First author is Lillian Dell'Aquila Cannon

Part 1 - Circumcision Surgery Myths

Myth 1: They just cut off a flap of skin.

Reality check: Not true. The foreskin is half of the penis's skin, not just a flap. In an adult man, the foreskin is 15 square inches of skin. In babies and children, the foreskin is adhered to the head of the penis with the same type of tissue that adheres fingernails to their nail beds. Removing it requires shoving a blunt probe between the foreskin and the head of the penis and then cutting down and around the whole penis. Check out these photos:

Myth 2: It doesn't hurt the baby.

Reality check: Wrong. In 1997, doctors in Canada did a study to see what type of anesthesia was most effective in relieving the pain of circumcision. As with any study, they needed a control group that received no anesthesia. The doctors quickly realized that the babies who were not anesthetized were in so much pain that it would be unethical to continue with the study. Even the best commonly available method of pain relief studied, the dorsal penile nerve block, did not block all the babies' pain. Some of the babies in the study were in such pain that they began choking and one even had a seizure (Lander 1997).

Myth 3: My doctor uses anesthesia.

Reality check: Not necessarily. Most newborns do not receive adequate anesthesia. Only 45% of doctors who do circumcisions use any anesthesia at all. Obstetricians perform 70% of circumcisions and are least likely to use anesthesia - only 25% do. The most common reasons why they don't? They didn't think the procedure warranted it, and it takes too long (Stang 1998). A circumcision with adequate anesthesia takes a half-hour - if they brought your baby back sooner, he was in severe pain during the surgery.

Myth 4: Even if it is painful, the baby won't remember it.

Reality check: The body is a historical repository and remembers everything. The pain of circumcision causes a rewiring of the baby's brain so that he is more sensitive to pain later (Taddio 1997, Anand 2000). Circumcision also can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anger, low self-esteem and problems with intimacy (Boyle 2002, Hammond 1999, Goldman 1999). Even with a lack of explicit memory and the inability to protest - does that make it right to inflict pain? Law requires anesthesia for animal experimentation - do babies deserve any less?

Myth 5: My baby slept right through it.

Reality check: Not possible without total anesthesia, which is not available. Even the dorsal penile nerve block leaves the underside of the penis receptive to pain. Babies go into shock, which though it looks like a quiet state, is actually the body's reaction to profound pain and distress. Nurses often tell the parents "He slept right through it" so as not to upset them. Who would want to hear that his or her baby was screaming in agony?

Myth 6: It doesn't cause the baby long-term harm.

Reality check: Incorrect. Removal of healthy tissue from a non-consenting patient is, in itself, harm (more on this point later). Circumcision has an array of risks and side effects. There is a 1-3% complication rate during the newborn period alone (Schwartz 1990).

Death. Babies can even die of circumcision. Over 100 newborns die each year in the USA, mostly from loss of blood and infection (Van Howe 1997 & 2004, Bollinger 2010).
Jude B
2012-06-09 10:57:23 UTC
It's wrong at birth or at any time the child is too young to give informed consent. The boy's mother protected him from this, so your sister doesn't have any right to go against her matter her reason for not having it done. Sounds to me like her boyfriend wasn't stupid, if he didn't want his son cut. Though it's too bad he isn't there to protect his son now.

Tell your sister that he won't be teased when he's older, since intact is becoming the norm, especially when he's old enough to be in the locker room with other boys. Though if he is teased, an intact boy can always come back with one of two responses:

1. Why are you looking at my dick? Are you gay?

2. You had half the skin of your dick cut off, but you're laughing at me?

It is his body, so it's HIS choice!
2012-06-09 01:21:14 UTC
Tell your sister she is way out of date.

Circumcision is now down to 28%

and it's the cut kids that will be bullied

It is totally unnecessary for a 2 year old

and is hardly a good start for this adoption.

He will be in pain for weeks.

There are no pro's for circumcision

It's all cons.

The foreskin of a 2 yr. old boy is sealed

it has to be cleaner than a raw exposed


The foreskin should NOT be retracted

until puberty, when it is largely self-

cleaning. Removing it lets in the germs.

I'm not sure her insurance will cover this

as it's an unnecessary operation.

He will not need it to be done at 30 this is fallacious argument.

Andres A
2012-06-09 11:30:00 UTC
From Removing Pleasure: Male Genital Mutilation

By Keith D. Mitchell © 2011 -

Preston states that circumcision creates, “undesirable psychological, sexual, and medico-legal difficulties.” Further research has shown that circumcision, “performed around the phallic stage is perceived by the child as an act of aggression and castration,” (Cansever, 1965).

The phallic stage corresponds to between 2-3 years to around 6 years old, when the infant is becoming aware of his own body.

As someone who was circumcised as an infant, I can attest that I was in fear, that it was traumatic, and that I grew up wishing it had never been done. At 40 years of age, today, I still wish it had not been done. I even remember begging the doctor not to do it.
2012-06-10 17:45:31 UTC
To start with he's old enough to remember and it will be traumatizing, and there are many more cons than pros.

The foreskin contains more nerve endings than any other part of the penis, that's just fact. In the largest study on circumcision in South Korea, Seoul University found 33% of men who were circumcised reported difficulty attaining sexual gratification, 63% said masturbation less enjoyable, and 11% had "frequent" orgasm difficulties.

(Kim, Peng et all, Seoul University)

First and foremost, what is the foreskin? No, it is not a useless piece of unnecessary flesh, there to be hacked off like some offending tag on a new garment. It is a highly erogenous, erotically sensitive, male reproductive organ. Yes, organ. Like the clitoris and labial regions of a female the foreskin exists to aid in pleasurable reproduction. It houses 80-90% of the erotic nerve endings in the penis. It contains on the inner side, sebaceous glans that produce lubrication during sex and the sheath like nature of the foreskin allows for frictionless, pleasurable sex during full penetration. As a result of the removal of these vital sebaceous glans, most circumcised males require non natural lubrication during sex and masturbation, and are unable to take part in normal natural human intercourse.

Along side these sebaceous glans are a network of estrogenic sensing structures that aid in arousal and sexual reproduction. Very little is known about these structures as so many men have had them removed, although scientists are fairly certain that the foreskin is the only place in the body that these particular type of estrogenic sensors exist. There is a great deal of speculation in the medical community that the removal of the foreskin and these sensors could account for some cases of male erectile dysfunction.

Next to the sebaceous glands and the estrogenic sensors are a network of lymph nodes. Like any component of the lymphatic system ,when these lymph nodes are removed during circumcision it permanently disrupts the body’s natural lymphatic system. Doctors attribute heightened susceptibility to infection to the removal of these nodes. As well as affecting the immune system the removal of any part of the lymphatic system can affect the body’s natural circulation system as well.

Delicate structures line the inside of the foreskin and attach it to the penis. With time, sometimes as late as 18 years in age, these structures release and full extension of the penis is possible. Removal of the foreskin tears these fine structures and exposes skin meant to be kept moist, to the air, causing the head of the penis to dry out and loose much of it’s sensitivity sometimes up to 80%.

Can a circumcision go wrong? Hell yes. It is reported that every year aprox. 250 boys will DIE from complications due to circumcision, in North America alone. That doesn’t count the number of botched circumcisions that take place every year that boy’s live through. Everything from penile extension problems in adulthood from the shortening of the penis’s outer skin, severe and painful curvature of the penis to more serious injuries such as the severing of the urinary tract and the infection of staphylococcus bacteria in the surgical site which can cause life long damage to the genital region.
2012-06-09 14:29:40 UTC
My husband and I chose to leave our son intact. Pros to being intact- its natural. It doesn't complicate breast feeding. It doesn't hurt. Its easy to clean, you just wipe it like a finger. It protects the penis from infection and injury. Foreskin makes sex better. My husband is living proof of the Cons for circumcision. Circumcision Cons for an adult: an ugly scar..scarred skin on the underside all the way up to the glands..rough dry shrunken gland skin..discoloration from the scar tags on the scar tissue have had to be removed. the loss of so many nerves endings...leads to desensitized sex and the need for "jackhammer" sex. Lube is a must. Things that can happen to babies during and after circumcision: Death. Stroke. Heart attack. Seizures. Infection. Re-adhesions. Corrective surgery. Gender reversal...the list goes on.

Hospitals report that yearly in America an average of 117 babies die completely avoidable deaths as a direct result of their circumcisions. It's NOT OK to do this to children. The attorney general recently released papers and research that proves that infant circumcisions cause post traumatic stress disorder and is extremely harmful in many ways. This new research opens the door for men who have had their choice to have a natural penis taken away from sue. If you're a mother who thought it was OK your son can sue you and the doctor you had do it. If your friend does this to that 2 year old ..I hope he sues her someday... he will never get back what she wants to take from him.
2012-06-09 13:29:21 UTC
Foreskin is not a birth defect

Circumcision is useless and has no medical benefits

Circumcision began in North America as an effort to stop masturbation.

About 117 boys die each year in the United States as a result of their circumcision, most from infections or blood loss.

Circumcision has never been proven to be effective in either reducing or treating cervical cancer, penile cancer, urinary tract infections, or sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.

Not one medical association in America, or anywhere else in the world, recommends infant circumcision; some even recommend against it. At no time in its 75 years has the American Academy of Pediatrics ever recommended infant circumcision.

It's a myth that it is cleaner and easier to take care of.

The foreskin protects the urethra from feces, urine and bacteria when the baby is still in diapers

It takes less than 4 seconds of care. All you need to do is wash it.

It is actually cleaner because the cells on the foreskin of the penis produce an antiviral antibacterial substance that self cleans.

The foreskin does provide benefits. The "skin" of the glans is actually a mucus membrane, and the foreskin keeps it from drying out. The function it has during sex is that it means pleasure comes from pressure rather than friction, so that the skin of the shaft doesn't rub and tear (itself or the vagina, in the case of vaginal intercourse). Little or no artificial lubrication is needed, as the natural lubrication secreted by the vagina and penis would be sufficient.

He will not get made fun of for being uncircumcised, probably the opposite. Out of my group of friends 8 out of the 9 guys are not circumcised. The one who is gets teased a lot, he get's called mushroom head and mutilated dick. But he 18, so it is not like he cries about it. They tease him that sex is more pleasurable for them. Also, one of my friends was on a soccer team, (they don't shower together, but they talked about it) and he said only 2 guys on the whole team were cut. I live in US by the way.

More than 85% of men are intact in the world (65% of U.S parents, and 91% of Canadian parents are keeping their sons intact)

Circumcised men and boys are 60% more likely to suffer from alexithymia, a psychological trait disorder which causes difficulty in identifying and expressing one’s emotions, which can lead to difficulties in sustaining relationships

Please look at these websites, and show them to your sister.


Circumcision Decisions Maker

Whether or Not to Circumcise

Myths and Facts


This website has tons of helpful information

My boyfriend isn't circumcised, and he has never had any infections or issues with his penis.
2012-06-09 10:45:02 UTC
Thw foreskin is a functioning piece of your body and every other person in this world. We are the only mamals to circumcise and since the USA is the only ones who do it , and 80% and even now close to 70% of the USA who have their whole penis the cut boys will be the minority. Circing causes erectile disfunction, scarring, take over an inch in length off of the penis, can be botched or "messed up" which most are in one way or another, or can cause the boy to loose his whole penis or die. If you wouldn't circ your daughter don't circ your son. Benefits of female circ are much higher then male circ benefits and girls get many more infections then intact men but I wouldn't want to be cut!
2012-06-08 21:35:59 UTC
The not being teased excuse is totally bogus, especially as the trend is away from routine circumcision. 60 years ago, a German boy in our PE class was the only one with a foreskin; we stared for about a minute and after that no one cared. Nowadays, uncut is at least as common as cut. Unless such surgery on a 2 year old is medically necessary, the doctor should be able to talk her out of it. Besides the pain during healing, any surgery can be traumatic and anesthesia carries risks. This adoption isn't off to a very good start, is it?
2012-06-11 00:52:58 UTC
If more than 85% of the worlds men are intact / uncircumcised could it really be that bad?

Some say its that a circumcised guys penis is cleaner.

Does that mean that all circumcised guys have parents who thought they lacked the intelligence to retract their foreskin and wash every day?

Brushing their teeth takes more than 10 times as long as washing under the foreskin yet they don't remove every childs teeth to save them brushing.

Circumcision can stop guy catching AIDS?

Once again does that mean the guys parents thought he lacked the ability to put a condom on? And last time I checked the AIDS rate in the

USA (where the circumcision rate in adult men is higher) was higher than Europe (where the circumcision rate is very very low).

Plus if a guy has AIDS he can still spread it to his partner whether he is cut or not by not wearing a condom.

Do you think the NATURAL INTACT penis is ugly?

So "some" people think it looks better to be cut and therefore all men need to be cut? ?

Should all women have breast implants because there are some guys that like large breasts?

And why is a huge scar on your face considered unattractive but a big scar around the shaft of your penis good to look at?

Isn't it better to love someone for who they are and not how their penis looks?

plus check out this link and tell me they look better?

Uncut guys get phismosis?

So because "SOME" men "MAY" have this issue all men should be cut? Doesn't make sense to me, even more so when phismosis can be

treated without circumcision. Plus we keep our tonsils and appendix when some people have problems with them.

Some guys get picked on at school/in the gym because they are intact?

I never did when a lot of the other guys at my school were cut. Also why would other guys be looking at my penis anyway?

None of my sexual partners have said they didn't want to have sex with me because of my foreskin.

Should the son's genitals look like his dads?

A young boys penis will be smaller that his father, does that mean he should have a penis enlargement to look the same?

Also they fathers genitals will most likely have pubic hair, Should the father shave his genitals to look like his son? Sounds stupid but what's

the difference?

I never compared my penis with my dad plus I don't stand next to my son and compare his and my penis's either.

Some say it is their right as a parent to do what they want to their child.

Is it your right to remove a part of your child's body for any of the above reasons when it does not need to be removed?




A silly clip about those who say circumcision is good (pics from baby circumcision)

(functions of the foreskin animation) (recommended for 18+yo)
2012-06-09 11:10:36 UTC
Does she want one of his earliest memories to be that as soon as she had the power to do so, she had something done to him that caused a lot of pain, for no reason he can understand?

Does she want him, as he grows up, to learn that this choice of hers not only caused him a lot of pain then, but also caused him to have less sex, enjoy it less, and give less pleasure to his partner?

Rabbi Moses Maimonides -- one of the greatest experts ever on Jewish law -- had this to say about the commandment requiring circumcision:

"Similarly with regard to circumcision, one of the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ in question, so that this activity be diminished and the organ be in as quiet a state as possible. It has been thought that circumcision perfects what is defective congenitally. This gave the possibility to everyone to raise an objection and to say: How can natural things be defective so that they need to be perfected from outside, all the more because we know how useful the foreskin is for that member? In fact this commandment has not been prescribed with a view to perfecting what is defective congenitally, but to perfecting what is defective morally. The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. None of the activities necessary for the preservation of the individual is harmed thereby, nor is procreation rendered impossible, but violent concupiscence and lust that goes beyond what is needed are diminished. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened. The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have explicitly stated: It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision."
2012-06-09 10:51:11 UTC
Most likely ( I hope) that no doctor will do it on a 2 y/o. His penis, his body. Her preferences are not valid here. Has she seen a video of it done. The boy lost his Mother he has to lose his penis too?? She should not have custody IMO. I would bring it up somehow so that it protects the child. Call CPS. It is pure mutilation and if you say it is not-look up the word in a dictionary.
2012-06-11 06:34:30 UTC
FYI, the lips, nipples and fingertips have similar touch sense to one region of the parts cut off.

MALE Circumcision is nerve damage cutting off about 20000 fine touch and stretch sensing nerve endings and removing a source of pleasure from the male FOR LIFE. This is 2/3 of the total pleasure source amputated! This is nerves, blood vessels, protective covering and pleasure zones taken away from a human before the human can experience this. The dynamics and function and pleasure from sex and masturbation of the penis is harmed for good.

I understand that a babies future sexual pleasure is not the first thing that many consider, but it is very important. It is never reasonable to take erogenous tissue away from another human without asking. Please give that some thought.

Only about 0.5% of males who are left intact at birth end up getting circumcised later in life. That tells you the foreskin parts are not as much of a problem as people make it out to be, and Men LIKE their foreskin parts.

National medical associations DO NOT recommend infant circumcision. Most note that there is no health benefit and that it causes HARM. The alleged benefits are contrived by people trying to keep the practice going – they want to pass it on to the next generation.

There is no data that shows HIV, HPV or any STD change or any real benefit to cutting off parts of a baby boys penis in the US, EU JP.... Even in Africa (with water issues) about the same number of cut men and natural penis men have HIV. Real world studies how that a man with a natural penis is at no higher risk of HIV and HPV.

The idea that natural penis boys have more infections is part myth and part BAD medical advice. It is now known that boys that are natural should not have their foreskin touched by others. The US medical advice was to pull it back and scrub with soap. That causes problems including infections.

You should know that infant boys are EASIER to care for when they are natural (intact). The foreskin does not retract until late childhood or even puberty, so you do nothing special, just wipe the outside of his penis clean and leave it alone. Furthermore, to prevent painful and bleeding erections later in life, doctors are now commonly leaving more skin behind- in a cut boy this means you may have to push the left over skin back at every diaper change and clean beneath it to prevent it from adhering or infecting. The very thing that mother's think they avoid by circumcising! In short- Intact = wipe like a finger, NEVER retract Cut= vaseline, clean thoroughly, push back remaining skin to prevent adhesions etc (the last step perhaps for several months or years).

As to the theory that penis parts should be cut off in order to facilitate hygiene, consider the following comments of a pediatrician. This is certainly a different (and more logical) view of Hygiene:

"My experience as a pediatrician has convinced me that circumcision makes the penis dirtier, a fact that was confirmed by a study recently published in the British Journal of Urology.1 For at least a week after circumcision, the baby is left with a large open wound that is in almost constant contact with urine and feces--hardly a hygienic advantage. Additionally, throughout life the circumcised penis is open and exposed to dirt and contaminants of all kinds. The wrinkles and folds that often form around the circumcision scar frequently harbor dirt and germs.

Thanks to the foreskin, the intact penis is protected from dirt and contamination. While this important protective function is extremely useful while the baby is in diapers, the foreskin provides protection to the glans and urinary opening for a lifetime. At all ages, the foreskin keeps the glans safe, soft, and clean.

Throughout childhood, there is no need to wash underneath the foreskin. Mothers used to be advised to retract the foreskin and wash beneath it every day. This was very bad advice indeed. When the foreskin becomes fully retractable, usually by the end of puberty, your son can retract it and rinse his glans with warm water while he is in the shower."
2012-06-11 07:28:24 UTC
You only need to look at the thumbs up and thumbs down of the various answers to see the public opinion on this subject.

The child has been lucky enough to be left as he should be, intact, so why change that?
2012-06-08 21:22:23 UTC
That's a bit old already for a circumcision. And, circumcisions are not flawless.
2012-06-08 22:36:27 UTC
Male born uncircumcised and this practice is so unnatural! It was adopted by men with stupid idea s about masturbation! Don't do that! It is not necessary.
2012-06-08 21:20:12 UTC
I'm personally on the fence about circumcision, but I will likely get my son circumcised after he is born. If you want to watch a good show about the pros and cons, then watch the episode of Penn and Teller's Bullsh*t - Circumcision.
2012-06-08 21:19:42 UTC
He should be fine, he will be in pain though. I have a friend who was to tiny when he was born, so circumcising him was not an option. His fiance tells me its pretty much the same as any other type of, well, you know. Good Luck, and at least he is getting it done now and not when he is 30, where as the pain will be a lot worse.
2012-06-08 21:58:40 UTC
y would u circumcise ur child AT 2. why not at birth. horrible, horrible person.
2012-06-08 21:22:57 UTC
The overwhelmingly majority of American males are circumcised, and we have no problems.

Circumcision, despite what the circ-nazis claim, is in fact a hugh benefit.
2012-06-08 21:19:43 UTC
It is easier and better for him, and it should have been done earlier though.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.