By jay Eli on Tuesday, August 01, 2000 - 02:47 am:
How long does it usually take to recover from
rotator cuff surgery. It is a minor tear.
By Anonymous on Monday, August 07, 2000 - 11:05 am:
I had my surgery 2 years ago and luckily my rotator cuff didn't need to be fixed (just the bone spur removed). I got back to my desk job in about 1 1/2 weeks. Started throwing the baseball after a month!
By Anonymous on Monday, August 07, 2000 - 05:07 pm:
I am having open subacromial decompression surgery next week and am wanting to know length of time in a sling and when i can begin using my arm again. itis my left shoulder - im left handed!
By Anonymous on Friday, August 11, 2000 - 01:43 am:
Ugh!!!!! Thanx for info
By Anonymous on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 11:59 pm:
i had a rotator cuff repair 10 week ago iam 61 year old i work in a industrial plant how long will i be out of work or will thay let me come back i plan to retire at 62
By Donnie Summers on Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - 12:43 am:
I have been diagnosed with an impengement in my right shoulder, I got it doing heavy benching...I do rotator cuff exercises and put ice on it as well.. But it seems ok some days and other days it bothers me, more so in the morning when I wake up.. I have stopped lifting weights for a couple of weeks cuz I kept irratating it, My Dr. prescribed therapy but my insurance will only pay if it is done in a hospital not a privet one he recommended so I have been doing the rotator cuff exercises and got me some surgical tubing to hook to a door knob and was wundering if I am doing the right thing and how long till I do shoulder work again.. Thanks for your time....
By Sven Harder on Thursday, August 24, 2000 - 05:55 pm:
to Laith Farjo, M.D.
I have had a pain in my shoulder since last year before Christmas. First they diagnosed it as bursitis. My family physician gave me some exercises to do, they didn't help. Then they sent me to have an x-ray. They said there was something under the bone. Then they sent me to physio therapy for twenty treatments and ultra sound. Nothing seemed to help and the pain worsened so I discontinued the therapy. Then they sent me to a specialist in the sports clinic. There I started some new exercises. I became more inflamed and very painful so I had to cease it as well. Afterwhich they sent me to an ultra sound x-ray they found out I a tear in my rotator cuff. Now the specialist from the sports clinic is sending me back to therapy. Will the rotator cuff heal by itself or is there something I can do about it? It seems to bring me a lot of pain whenever I go to therapy or participate in any movements. But when I lie still it seem to be fine. What should I do?
thank you very much for your time, Sven Harder
By Anonymous on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 11:53 am:
I have a sore left shoulder. I really felt it working on a computer which sits on a stand. I had my hand in my pocket, and when I tried to pull it out I couldn't. The pain was unbearable I will be seeing a specialist in Nov. The pain comes and goes, and is not specific to certain movement, and is located mainly on the front top of the shoulder. Any idea what it could be.
By David Menter on Wednesday, October 11, 2000 - 03:33 pm:
I have occasional pain in my left shoulder in the BACK rotator cuff muscle/tendon. It is especially painful when seated at the computer but is aggravated by a variety of common activities (even writing, riding a bike). The pain is often after the fact as if I've held it in a position too long or used it too often? My range of motion is very good and placing it in the standard motion positions do not cause pain. The pain does NOT bother me at night. (I have tried a variety of keyboards, desk heights, I am left handed but I mouse right handed).
I have been doing physical therapy for almost 2 years - doing three light weight (5#) exercies to work on this BACK rotator muscle/tendon every other day (I dropped back from everyday when it felt like the muscle was cramping due to my exercises. I also have trouble isolating this particular rotator muscle for stretching after my therapy). It was doing better for several months and I layed off of icing and most ibuprofen but now must have done something to re-aggravate the problem. X-rays show nothing obviously wrong and MRI was the same. The orthopedic doc said surgery might be an option. I'm not completely convinced other physical therapy wouldn't still do the trick (especially more work on it with higher weights and the ability to isolate the specific rotator for post-exercise streching).
Could my current physical therapy regimine be missing some other needed exercise (i.e. as described above related to strengthening, strechting, or for a possible weak back?) What is the name for this specific BACK rotator muscle/tendon? Is this specific injury less common (than the front rotator) and what would cause it? Is there a commonly understood reason for this type of injury? Is there a commonly understood surgery solution for this and if so, what has been the success rate for this surgical solution-if I ever need it?
By Anonymous on Monday, October 16, 2000 - 02:06 pm:
By Anonymous on Wednesday, October 25, 2000 - 11:34 pm:
I hurt my arm pulling a snow blower cord which was probably to long for me since I am short. I kept pulling it and finallly I pulled it way behind my right shoulder. The wooden handle slipped out of my hand and hit my breast as it snapped back into the snowblower, well I continued to work at getting it started and then continued on with my work, but since then which has been since March 2000, the front of my shoulder and around the outside of my armpit and into my chest I have had pain. I figured it would go away but it didn't and at one point I had a lot of trouble sleeping with pain too. I went to the doctor and they told me it was tendonitis and was sent for PT (20 sessions) At first it felt like it was coming along, but when I started back with the resistance bands it flared up and I stopped the therapy after 15 sessions. Then I just rested it, and then when I went back to using it it would continue to hurt in the same places that I just spoke of. So I finally had a x-ray(bone)and then a MRI, which the report said "suspected tear in rotator cuff. I went back to the doctor and he said he agrees with the report. I am supposed to have an open surgery to repair the tear. I can move my arm in all directions, which I didn't think I should be able to do at all if I had a rotator tear, but after I do vacuuming, sweeping, raking, lifting is when I have more pain. My question is "Would I be able to move my arm in all directions if I had a rotator tear? When it is flared up, it hurts when I breath in from my arm pit to my chest. I sure hope that MRI is correct since I decided to have surgery. I have fooled around with this arm for months and it is keeping me from doing everything I need to do. I decided to not have the injections and take pills just get in there and get it over with. Most of the people that I talk to that have done that, ended up getting the surgery anyway. Thanks for listening!
By denise edwards on Thursday, November 09, 2000 - 02:43 am:
I am scheduled to have rotator cuff surgery 11/30/00.I also have bone spurs.The doctor said he's about 98% certain I've gone from a partial tear to a complete tear.I'm right-handed and it's my right shoulder.The doctor said he will first go in arthoscopically and scope the area and if necessary,will open the shoulder.Recovery time 2-6 weeks or more.Can you give me more info about what I can expect as well as possible recovery
By charles gricus on Monday, November 27, 2000 - 01:21 pm:
Finally had an MRI after an injury to my left rotator cuff in August of '99 followed by extensive rehab and two cortisone shots. Following second cortisone injection which seemingly cured my impingement problem, I went surf fishing (cause of initial injury through a fall on the rocks)and overworked the shoulder and, I believe, tore another tendon. Recent MRI exhibits and findings suggest "extensive tear of supraspinatus tendon which has healed with granulation tissue without retraction. There is a remaining large fluid filled rotator cuff tear within this measuring 12mm right to left and 16mm anterior to posterior. However, the area of abnormal tendon is much more extensive than this with only the most posterior fibers of the supraspinatus remaining intact...There is a full thickness tear of the subscapularis tendon. Only a tiny slip of tendon remains intact and the great majority of the tendon has a full thickness tear with retraction to the level of the glenoid". Also some indication that "...the transvere humeral ligament ruptured with the subscapularis tear". Questions are, how problematic is this surgery and what are chances of recovery that allows me to continue surf fishing? I had a similar injury 11 yeasrs ago(same place called Hazard Rock) on right rotator that responded to rehab and cortisone without surgery... I don't have any other shoulders left. Thanks for your input. Chuck
By Sheatinker on Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 03:05 pm:
After @ 10 years of various kinds of (periodic) shoulder pains and @ 2 years of more or less constant shoulder pain in the right shoulder and some lesser pain in the left shoulder, (some 6-8 cortisone injections over the years, the last 3 in the last 2 years) I finally had an arthrogram which was interpreted as a rotator cuff tear. The doctor and the physical therapist believe it is a small tear, as I can reach overhead without undue discomfort, and I can raise both arms straight out and hold -- even with a little weight--but it does hurt, just not a lot.
I've been told that exercise MIGHT help and I have been doing both the standard exercises given to me by the physical therapist AND some involving raising the arms straight out, with up to 3 lbs weights. This exercise hurts, but it is bearable.
My question is this. The physical therapist says that the arm-straight-out exercise is aggravating the problem. But how can you strengthen the shoulder if you don't exercise it? I am really confused, and so is my physical trainer, who had suggested the arm-straight-out exercises. The physical therapist did say that I could do them so long as I did twice as many of the exercises that strengthen the other muscles in the back.
I'm just having trouble visualizing all this and want to feel more comfortable about what I am doing to try to heal the injury and avoid surgery if possible.
Also -- re. surgery -- I've seen reference to two types -- one "arthroscopic" and one "decompression" (I think a third one was described as "arthroscopic decompression")-- so that confuses me too. Can someone clear up this confusion?
I'd be grateful for any responses that you think might be helpful.
By Anonymous on Tuesday, January 30, 2001 - 10:43 pm:
I had rotater cuff surgery on Dec. 18th. It has been 6 weeks and I still have a lot of pain. My range of motion is fairly limited. He put in a pin and cleaned up the joint and repaired (tacked) a partial tear all arthroscopically.
I am pretty discouraged. I have been going to physical therapy three times a week and today the doctor put it back to twice a week and gave me a cortisone injection to help with the pain and I guess to take the swelling and inflammation down. Oh - five days ago the muscles all went into spasm and I had to lay off for three days! I am 53 years old.
I am back at work and I still can not use the computer to well. Itt was my right shoulder and I am right handed. I am having a lot of referred pain down the arm. Everyone keeps telling me that everyone heals differently - that it will probably take 12 weeks. Does this sound right to you? Has anybody else had this experience? help!
By K. Lustig on Saturday, February 03, 2001 - 03:52 pm:
I'm due to have rotator cuff surgery next week. I don't have a problem with the idea of the surgery, but I'm concerned about dealing with everyday problems while my arm is immobile. I'm right handed and, of course, it's my right shoulder. I teach and I want to get back to work as soon as possible - students can write for me, etc. But I'm concerned about dressing and coats etc. I'm female. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I thought I ask how others have dealt with this. Thanks.
By Anonymous on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 11:41 am:
I have a tear in my rotator cuff. The doctor recomends for me to go for a surgery called an arthroscopically. I am an accountant and use my computer a lot. Can you tell me how long will it take me to return to work? Will my pain go away with the surgery, doctor said that 80% chances it will be repaired. I am not afraid of the surgery but what will happen afterward. Can someone please give me information?
By stanley corngold on Tuesday, February 27, 2001 - 01:38 am:
Dear Ms Lustig,
With reference to your message posted on February 3, 2001:
I too am a teacher (professor) about to undergo surgery for a torn rotator cuff. I would be most grateful to hear about the success (as I hope) of your surgery & the way you coped with this handicap while teaching.
By Anonymous on Thursday, March 08, 2001 - 11:47 pm:
Hi I had rotator cuff surgery (not arthroscopic)eight weeks ago; also scraping spurs off the acromium and I am concerned that I may have torn it again in the early days of physical therapy. My question is: Is it NORMAL to have painful spasms at the site of the original tear? I am not sure that this type of pain is to be expected. I know to expect the pain that comes with physical therapy and learning to get range of motion, but these spasms - sometimes during the night, hours after any exercises - may be out of the ordinary. Can you help clear this up for me? Thank you!!
By Peggiecorbin on Friday, March 09, 2001 - 12:07 am:
Dear Ms. Lustig & Mr. Corngold,
I am not a teacher , but a teller in a bank, where constant motion is a must. I don't know id I'm typical or not but I had rotator cuff repair surgery, the invasive cutting one not the arthoroscopy. This was one Friday Feb. 9th. On tuesday Feb.13 I went back to work in a sling. I used my arm from day one, just not lifting anything or raising my arm. I used very little pain killers, only over the counter types after 4 days. I used a common sense rule. If it really hurt, don't do it! However i don't beleive coddling it is beneficiary either. I've sen 2 diferent physical therapists ( i go 3 times a week for the last 2 weeks) and both are suprised at the progress I've made and said i would heal quickly. The orthopedist would not let me remove the sling while working but at home I take it off and do just about anything within reason. So, my experience is to use common sense with the recovery and physical therapy is a must. But there is a sign in the therapists office that says what ever is physical is therapy. Think about it. I do have one question however, can anyone tell me what MYOFACSIAC RELEASE IS? Thanks! Peggie
By Anonymous on Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 05:27 pm:
I am a 70 year old left shoulder rotator cuff is completely torn..requiring open surgery for repair..I wish to know if any support groups are in my general area, Ontario, whom I could speak for information and support post operative..things like how do you look after yourself..I don't have much help when it comes to personal care..thanks for any info..
By Anonymous on Friday, March 16, 2001 - 10:52 am:
By C Hamel on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 04:08 am:
Hello there! I have had several diagnosis from 2 ortho surgeons and 3 local practitioners. All five opinions differ. I broke my collar bone 16 years ago and believe my current problems may be from that original injury. Last June i was working as a labourer and felt a massive sharp pain in my left shoulder, it appeared to the naked eye to be dislocated in a foward direction. The x-rays in emergency showed nothing and they sent me home in a sling in pain. That evening I was able to push back on my shoulder(PAINFULLY) and "pop" it back in. It has caused the same pain a couple times since then. The first specialist opinion was bursitus and told me to do "bum ups" - the second specialist said possibly impingement syndrome and to exercise it with elastic band exercises. I ended up back in emergency two weeks after that initial visit. This time - once again, I was x-rayed and this doctor said it's a torn rotator cuff. After evaluating all of these opinions, I questioned a physio therapist. His comment was that he wouldn't treat my injury until they determined which injury it was especially due to the time that has passed since the injury. He is recommending an MRI. Where I live, an MRI is like a goldmine. You have to be dying to receive such treatment. I am now waiting for my regular doctor to return from holidays to once again refer me to another specialist to hopefully request an MRI to determine the cause of my pain. I have luckily managed to get an office job and remove myself from physical labour. However, WCB has now denied my claim since they feel the original injury was not through my employment at the time. WHAT A HEADACHE!!!! Anyways, if anyone has any suggestions for me, I would love to hear them. I am so frustrated now. I no longer can play baseball, volleyball and even jogging irritates the joint in my shoulder. I have definately lost muscle mass and strength in the past 9 months. I only hope that I am able to use it to it's full capacity in the near future. I am only 30 with a young son that I want to enjoy doing things with.
By alredy3427 on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 - 01:37 am:
I am confused. My sister said she thinks my rotator cuff tear is due to me using the computer on a daily basis and my orthopedist thinks it is due to the automobile accident I was in. I just had surgery to correct the rotator cuff tear and I think I reinjured it when I tried to stop my daughter from falling when she fainted. I dont know what to think. Can anyone give me some helpful information? I dont want to be accused of insurance fraud. If this did happen at work I have a mountain of paper work to do to prove it happened at work. Joy of joys.
By Norm Howery on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 09:53 pm:
I have had chronic pain in my right shoulder for about a year. Finally after x-rays and MRIs, the Doctors have decided I have a torn rotator cuff. The solution is open surgery. The recovery time is 6 weeks and probably much more. But, 2 weeks ago, I was moving my right arm at right angles to my body, going as far left and right as possible, when I heard some popping sounds pain went away. As I noticed later, there is still pain when I stretch the arm fully out and try to lift any weight. Surgery is to relieve pain, but if the pain is minimal, then ???
Anyone have anything similar?
By Cher Stewart on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 05:12 am:
After reading all of the past 2 year posts above, I am so concerned, and yet I also feel I have better care/advise than most. First let me tell you all ......this is S"OOOOO important! not apply HEAT to your cuff problem, esp. if you know it's a tear....... ICE ICE ICE ICE...3 times a day for 20 minutes each if possible. And watch the intake of can cause problems with kidneys. And for out for those 'bands'...they can cause problems too....depends on what motion you use. Best to just put both hands flat on a wall...feet 1 foot out from the wall....hands shoulder-width apart...and press gently! What you need to learn about your you have a muscle that goes from shoulder to shoulder across your chest...and if that muscle shortens (from crouching over working or computer work...WATCH YOUR POSTURE!)..That will PULL your shoulders forward which can then cause the impingement of the tendons from the cuff. and THEN, a stressful movement (lifting a child, etc.) can cause the tear. And for pete's when it therapy.....! and NO ULTRA SOUND! The cuff and tendons are enflamed.....and the ultra sound is HEAT!!! THINK ICE ICE ICE ICE. now>>>>>>>my problem...please?
I am having the arthroscope this Friday (July 6th, 2001), and my ortho surgeon (University and NFL surgeon as well), has ordered it....I am 58 and have just gotten to the point of recuperation from a fall 3 years ago....and just getting a new business started as well as entering into a new significant relationship...and I'm so concerned I will be impaired from full capabilities with whatever the surgeon recommends. Sounded like one of you (the RN?) felt the invasive surgery was the easiest to recouperate from.. DOES THIS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRE A SLING AFTERWARD??? I'm like the 70-year old lady, I have no one to care for me (my boyfriend is 125 miles away), and my kids are in another state. As I said, I have just begun a new business...and need to be able. I'm afraid to go WITHOUT surgery for fear it will eventually get worse without it.
By cher stewart on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 05:18 am:
I want to add this.......
No matter what you've been can ask for your test results. AND GO GET A SECOND OPINION!!!!!!! & FOR A DECISION ABOUT SURGERY.....GT A THIRD OPINION! (same test results....they are YOURS...ask for them!)
By cher stewart on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 05:32 am:
To Peggy...and anyone searching for MYOFACSIAC RELEASE .....or anything else. Go to and you can search for anything. That one: "Myofacsia" etc. didn't turn up anything...but try entering "Physical Therapy" and then go to it....Google is GREAT for searching.....good luck Peggy..and I'll ask my RPT tomorrow and if I get an answer I'll post it. If you have one, post it too!...cher
By Bilqis on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 09:31 pm:
I am told that I have a rotator cuff tear in my right shoulder and it will require surgery, I am 58 female R handed. I wish to know
1, How long the operation takes & can it be done under regional block?
2, How long will it take me to go back to my regular routine work.
3 what pecentage prospect I have for full recovery.
I am worried that after surgey it may beocome worst than what I am now
Please help
By Bilqis on Wednesday, September 05, 2001 - 09:49 pm:
I am told that I have a rotator cuff tear in my right shoulder and it will require surgery, I am 58 female R handed. I wish to know
1, How long the operation takes & can it be done under regional block?
2, How long will it take me to go back to my regular routine work.
3 what pecentage prospect I have for full recovery.
I am worried that after surgey it may beocome worst than what I am now
Please help
By Anonymous on Sunday, October 21, 2001 - 10:58 pm:
I'm a 39 year old female, who has been diagnosis with a torn rotator cuff to the left should.
I also have a history of RSD. Because of my history of RSD, I'm reluctant to having surgery.
Please advise
By becky bievenue on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 - 09:32 pm:
Hi, about 8 years ago when I was in college, I injured my rotator cuff in my right shoulder. My doctor tried several treatments that didn't help and finally gave me a cortisone injection which helped for about six months. I've been getting them regularily all this time every six months. Finally, last year my doctor had an MRI done on my shoulder and it showed a tear but he thinks it will heal on its own and keeps giving me injections when the pain comes back. He mentioned surgery but he felt it was too soon. I'm only 29 years old and I don't want to go through the rest of my life getting a cortisone injection every 6 months. Am I crazy to worry about this? Hasn't 8 years been long enough to show that it's not going to heal itself?
By Anonymous on Sunday, December 23, 2001 - 11:16 pm:
I had a rotator cuff repair done November 27, 2001. The procedure involved repairing a tear and reattaching the tendon to the humorous. I had knee surgery x2 and thought I knew what to expect in terms of pain. The pain I am experiencing is far worse than expected. Prior to surgery I was continual sore and experienced pain when trying to lift my arm. Since surgery the pain radiates through my whole arm. I am almost 1 month since surgery and the pain continues far worse than expected. The only way I can get a reasonable night sleep is sitting up in a lazyboy chair. I have not started physio therapy yet. However the few exercises that I have to do, I can hardly stand the pain. I am at a point where I regret having the surgery. The pain before surgery was livable, this is not. Is this normal? If so, when can I expect some positive result from surgery? What medication should be prescribed for surgery like this? Help!
By Anonymous on Friday, December 28, 2001 - 01:53 am:
I am a 43 year old female and had rotator cuff repair done on November 15, 2001. I am still in an immobilizer and hoping to go to a sling soon. According to my ortho, I had a very large tear, close to 2 inches. I know what you are talking about concerning the pain. And frustration. I am wondering how long it will be before I will be able to use my arm. Or if I will ever be able to use it normally. I too have slept in a recliner since my surgery. Too much pain trying to lay down. And the muscle spasms are there too. Sometimes feeling like thru my entire arm. I too wonder if I would have been better off without the surgery, but then I rememeber the pain before too.
By Anonymous on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 - 10:20 pm:
I had rotator cuff surgery Jan 9 2002 on my right shoulder. I had been having pain with my shoulder for about a year. Finally with working in construction I realized I had to have it repaired. The surgery went well and I am surprised at how long it takes for this to heal.I am making great progress although my range of motion is still very limited. I think that this will take probably the full 4 months of recouperation I was told by the surgeon at the beginning. Until then you have to be patient it will get better. Trust Me.
By Anonymous on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 11:18 pm:
I am the one with the msg posted on December 27th. As I said, my surgery was on the 15th of November. I am still having problems from mine. Still having problems with pain. Limited range of motion. I go back to the dr in May. All he has said is keep up with the therapy and not to lift anything heavier than a can of green beans. Thank goodness my work doesn't require anything heavier than pushing a pencil most days! And my patience isn't the best these days. Some days I feel as if the pain would just leave, I don't care if I do get full range back or not. Then I try to be rational. Any suggestions on hanging in there???
By cindy on Tuesday, March 05, 2002 - 05:26 pm:
I am possibly getting ready for surgery on my right shoulder, and am very nervous about it, all though, I am ready to "move on" with my life. I have been in major pain with headaches & shoulder pain for a few months now, and I am about to loose it. I just want to be normal again, but I don't know if surgery will accomplish that for me. I am 31, and I know that the younger you are, the quicker you heal usually. Is there anyone who has had impingment problems, or any simular problems, that has recently had surgery, or any other treatments that has helped?
By Marilyn Johnson on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 06:30 pm:
Surgery 3 months ago, had 3 inch tear, Still in PT. Looking at another 3 to 4 months PT. I'm a hair stylist and can not go to work yet. The pain is gone unless I over extend it in PT. Now my other shoulder is bothering me because I'm using it more. Needless to say I'm discouraged. They tell me that every one heals differently.
By Anonymous on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - 04:55 am:
Everyone is asking the questions I would be asking. Is there anyone out there with answers as to length of time for recovery from surgery.How successful was it? I am 82 and can't wait too long to heal so should I stay with the pain I've got or go for surgery?
By Steve Noufer on Saturday, April 13, 2002 - 07:15 pm:
I got a rotator cuff tear in November 2001. I am scheduled for surgery to repair it on May 14,2002. Although the tear was diagnosed in January, I put off the surgery until May so I could go on some planned ski trips. Is anyone aware of any problems in waiting 6 months after the tear? Thanks for any response.
By john on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 02:06 am:
ouch! this is no fun. tore mine today
By Anonymous on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 12:13 pm:
Iam a nurses aid, Iwork lifting heavey patiens.Iwill have surgery this week,(artroscopic exploration ,and arthroscopic decompresion of my right shoulder / it is very painfuel.Iam in some medicacions,my pain goes down to mt elbow,my hand gets ice clod,Does any one haves the same.Iam very afraid.How long will it be befor Iam ok? I been out of work since Oct-2001 and it is May-2002. very depres and in alot of pain. HELP thank you.
By Anonymous on Tuesday, May 07, 2002 - 10:42 pm:
Had surgery in November of 2001. Still have limited use of arm. Shoulder and arm hurts all the time. Feels like something has a grip on it. Especially down in my arm. Think I was better off before the surgery. And still doing therapy. Anything positive to this?
By KEN FALKENSTEIN on Saturday, May 11, 2002 - 09:12 pm:
By Marjorie on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 12:56 pm:
I have been told that I need to have surgery. For a torn Rotator Cuff. As soon as I heard that I froze. The doctor said I would have to be out of work three to four months and complete healing would take at least a year. Is this true?
I have been reading up on this and some of the things mentioned on your site say I don't need to have surgery. I really do not want to go through this if I don't have to. I am in a lot of pain and have tried quite a lot of different medications and nothing seems to be helping me ast all. Can I please hear from someone who has the same symptons or has gone through the surgery. Thanks very much.
By Barbi on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 - 07:09 pm:
I think I have the same rotator problems all of you are having. I hurt mine, possibly in a car accident in November of 2000. I did not notice any pain until one day I was ponying a colt along side another horse and the colt decided not to come along with us....ouch! Thats when I first noticed the pain. It is now June of 2002 and I have suffered for quite awhile. I am ready to have something done. I have been to a chiropractor, massage therapist and my physician. He gave me muscle relaxers which did not help at all. Tomarrow I am suppose to go to an Orthopaedic surgeon for help. I too notice the popping sounds in my shoulder and have much trouble sleeping on my left shoulder.
By Sue Buckley on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 04:30 am:
Have been reading through past messages. I have a torn RC, which I'm told I'll need surgery to repair.
Can anyone provide me with some info regarding:
Full length of time for recovery. Pain management. Level of care you required after surgery. By care I mean, getting up out of bed, dressing, food preparation, and other personal types of care a 58 year old lady would require.
Did you require an aide to come into your home to help you? I have no one to provide such care for an extended amount of time.
I would appreciate any information anyone can provide. Would you do surgery again if you could?
By Fran on Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 02:10 am:
By Fran at 11.09 p.m. Tuesday June 19, 2002. I fell on my elbow and jammed my shoulder. It has been two weeks now and I still can't fully use my arm. I have constant pain, X-rays showed no broken bones and doctor has me on Celebrex. Should I pursue it further now or wait some time and see if shoulder heals. I believe it may be a torn rotator cuff but have not had an MRI as yet.
By mel on Monday, June 24, 2002 - 09:51 pm:
I was in a car accident on June 8th, 2000. The last 2 years have been horrible. No one believed me when I said how much I hurt, especially my insurance companies. Finally I had an MRI on April 23rd, 2001. The MRI showed a partial-thickness, bursal-surface tear of the supraspinatus tendon and impinging downsloping type II acromion, with coracoacromial ligamentous impingemnet upon the supraspinatus tendon. I tried everything (physio therapy, massage therapy, chiropractor, medications, cortisone shots etc). Nothing helped. Finally on January 16th, 2002 I had surgery. My surgeon said that things were even worse than the MRI indicated. It has now been 5 months and I am still in pain all the time and my range of motion is very limited. I am scheduled for another MRI on July 15th. I am desperate for answers. Has anyone else had similiar symptoms. Thankfully this is not my dominant hand. I believe all my pain is a result of my shoulder strap.
By RAY NEWTON on Wednesday, July 03, 2002 - 05:52 am:
By Rosemary Huey on Monday, July 08, 2002 - 05:42 pm:
I had surgery for a torn rotator cuff 3-21-02 and a nerve block was administered bef. surgery to help w/ pain. Because of allergies to just about all pain medications, I really had a miserable recovery period. I started working 06-10, shoulder still uncomfortable, motion still limited. My doctor waited 2 mos. bef. prescribing physical therapy. I'm still in physical therapy. My forearm and shoulder tighten up and cause quite a bit of pain, especially during am hrs. Driving long periods is painful. I can't lift, raise my arm, and have almost no strength in my right hand and arm. I work on exercises at home daily. I don't know if I'd do this again, but I don't what I would have done w/o surgery. My condition was only getting worse. I should have stated I am right-handed and the surgery was for my right shoulder. Due to the pain, I was completely helpless for the first 3-4 wks. Without my husband's help, I would have needed outside assistance. I had NO IDEA this procedure would disrupt my life for such an extended period of time.
By J Morley on Friday, August 30, 2002 - 05:49 am:
I had rotator surgery 6 weeks ago and Iam in pain non stop.From my shoulder to my arm.Drugs don't help .Losing sleep in and out of sleep.Iam left handed and I am a jeweler by trade.Before my surgery I was givin a block The Dr told me it would numb my arm and hand it sent a sharp pain down the lft side of my spine.He pulled the needle out and stuck it into the nerve which was supposed to numb my hand and arm.It numbed my my thumb but not my whole hand and I had a hard time breathing as I was going under the anesthesiologist said he may have numbed my diaphram.When I woke from the surgery I had pulmonary edema.I was drowning from my lungs filling up with fluids.I was coughing up blood and was in distress.The anesthesiologist told me He may have just scrapped my esophogus with the breathing tube or I had asthma(I Don't) after much complainig I got the nurse to bring him back in and he brought an x-ray machine in and confirmed the pullmonary edema.In order to remove the fluids from my lungs I had to have a catheter shoved into me and pee in a bag for two days.They also gave me an angiogram.Cut my groin open and shoved a catheter into my heart.After a minor orthoscopic surgery that was supposed to take a couple of hours I was released after three days.My Dr did not put me in a sling and told me I could go to work the next day after being released which I did and worked twelve hours.I felt pretty good until I worked for three 12 hour days straight.I had no therapy except a sheet of exersises streching and such to do at home.My movement is restricted and I cannot lift my hand over my head.It is far worse than it was.Iam 49.Iam and artist and musician.Icannot play my music and work is very hard.Iam worried that this will go on after reading many of the other posts.It seems like this surgery is so prevalant like it is the flavor of the month.Though granted I did tear my tendon.I did fall while snowboarding.I wonder if many people have woke to pullmonary edema.My Dr told me that it happens I would like to know how many times.And it seems to memany people on this web site are in pain for longer than need be.
By Anonymous on Tuesday, September 24, 2002 - 04:31 pm:
i am a lady of 24years old. i have weakness in my shoulders. i am unable to lift my hands up and it's getting worse with time i also have dislocations some times. there is so much weaknes in my hand that it is seems like hardwork doing anything (even washing the dishes), i have pains but not often and they are mild pains. i saw a doctor i was told to do some blood tests and nerve test and every thing seems to be alright. my smallest finger(ulna) is unable to straigten as well and my big toe is droped ie unable to stay sraight and i also have a stiff neck ie it can't come down but can move in all the other directions i am really worried.iwas told once by a doctor that a nerve in my neck was being compressed and another said i had ulna neuropathy. i have heard too many different things from different doctors. i just wanted to know if this actually has anything to do with a tear in my shoulder
By Anonymous on Tuesday, September 24, 2002 - 04:31 pm:
i am a lady of 24years old. i have weakness in my shoulders. i am unable to lift my hands up and it's getting worse with time i also have dislocations some times. there is so much weaknes in my hand that it is seems like hardwork doing anything (even washing the dishes), i have pains but not often and they are mild pains. i saw a doctor i was told to do some blood tests and nerve test and every thing seems to be alright. my smallest finger(ulna) is unable to straigten as well and my big toe is droped ie unable to stay sraight and i also have a stiff neck ie it can't come down but can move in all the other directions i am really worried.iwas told once by a doctor that a nerve in my neck was being compressed and another said i had ulna neuropathy. i have heard too many different things from different doctors. i just wanted to know if this actually has anything to do with a tear in my shoulder
By Freedom on Friday, October 25, 2002 - 10:17 pm:
Hi, this is great to read all the postings of rotator cuff tears, surgerys, and recovery time.
Today is October 25th,02. I had rotator cuff surgery September 3,02 which involved removal of the bursa, four spurs, a 95% tear of the cuff, and tendons repaired. Went home in a sling, physical therapy started within the next two weeks
and I am on here today typing this to you all.
The most important aspect of surgery and recovery is frame of mind and determination to get the same range of motion as your good arm and be adamant about the therapy not only at the physical therapys office but consistantly stretching your bad arm with the exercises, This is not exactly easy for me, My range of motion is at 140 degrees using the pulleys. it should be more at almost eight weeks, but for me, instead of letting it discourage and defeat me I work harder with the exercises so that it does not deter me with the pain. Actually, I have not that much pain anymore, The exercises only hurt while I am doing them....
Guess what I'am saying is just stay with it, and do not let fear succumb you.
I still have not returned to work, but will soon but It is very important to trust your orthopedic surgeon, and your therapist.
By Dave Duncan on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 11:32 pm:
I had the surgery 4 weeks ago. Right now I’m worse off than before the surgery but I’m getting better instead of getting worse. Yes, it’s painful but not too bad. So far this year I’ve been diagnosed as being diabetic, had a heart attack, angiogram, angioplasty, thyroid removed and rotator cuff surgery., I love to ask God what next year will bring but too afraid of what he might say. For those out there contemplating the surgery, I would say go for it
By Theother Arm on Saturday, November 23, 2002 - 09:57 pm:
4th time is the charm. In 1998 I had rotator cuff surgery for a torn cuff, bone spurs, and clavecal (sp). Unfortunately, it became infected, so my surgeon opened it up for the second time and allowed it to heal itsef. Then to therapy I went (with an open wound.) The third surgery was to correct the dip created by the healing of the open wound. Then off to therapy I went. Two months later, I went surfing in Hawaii. It was there that the constant paddling of water with my hand aggrivated the anchor in my shoulder--another surgery to remove the metal anchor that was causing much pain in my shoulder. So five years and four surgeries later, I'm getting pain in my right shoulder. Instead of continuing to work with this shoulder, I will do my strengthening exercises and avoid the most painful and aggrivating surgery experience I have ever had. And I didn't even tell you about the post-op pain. I will allow you to experience this "joy" for yourselves. This will be a treat.
By Anonymous on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 06:51 pm:
My wife is having rotator cuff surgery soon.
Would like to know where you get answers to these peoples questions.
By nancy on Saturday, January 04, 2003 - 04:56 pm:
I had surgery on my shoulder 2 years ago and had a spur removed,latey its starting to act up/ Could I be geting a new spur or does that happen a few years after you have surgery. Iam not sure what to do?
By Anonymous on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 02:19 am:
welcome to the club i'am 72yrs and untill this last year i was in good not 100% health but i got this Rotator cuff tear in jan 2002 doctors finialy said thats what i had so surgery done in nov22 2002 and i just got out of the sling or pillow holder what ever you call it any way all the letters above do not look to encourageing yes min still hurts on pain pill too will start therphy in a few days we will see <<<
By DebbieDomer on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 06:46 pm:
My mom is 64 years old and is having rotator cuff surgery next week. She also has rheumatoid arthritis. Can anyone please let me know the recovery period for this surgery, and also what she might need in the way of help after surgery. Need answers fast if possible.
By debbiedomer on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 07:49 pm:
From the above message, you can email me at Thanks!
By Jane Vincent on Friday, January 24, 2003 - 05:00 pm:
I am to have surgery for a torn rotator cuff in
my left shoulder (I am left handed). I also have
Fibromyalgia which was diagnosed three yrs ago,
but now I believe I have had this condition for
20 yrs due to the symptoms that go with it. In
October of 2002 I first noticed pain in the left
shoulder. I had a regular MD appt with my doc &
he diagnosed bursitis. He gave me a cortisone
shot which did nothing for the pain. Then I also
went to another doc I'd seen in 1998 for tendonitis of my left elbow. She is a specialist
in giving cortisone injections and they helped my
"tennis elbow" of 1998. I also went to her due to
my own doc being too busy pre-holidays to see me
again until January. I have two more cortison shots from the 2nd doc spaced 1 wk apart. The 2nd one she said to the nurse, "let's flood her" as I was in tremendous pain with additional muscle spasms down my left arm. These shots also
did not help and in fact seemed to make the pain much worse. I had no obvious inflammation in my arm and still don't. I am scared about the surgery on Monday after reading others experiences. I am an RN and was hoping to get back to work soon. Prior to receiving the shots,
I had been and continued to take care of my dying
MIL who passed on Dec. 2, 2002. I did not see an
orthopedic surgeon until after she died as my help to her was much needed. She had hospice and
died at home.
I, too, have pain in my shoulder in front, back, and on the top. But I also have pain all down my arm, especially in my deltoid region (where you show off how strong you are, haha). My quesion is
this, "in the deltoid region over the last month I have developed a very hard area. It is as if the muscles or tendons or ligaments have bunched up seriously in order to protect my shoulder. This is quite disturbing and painful and I wonder if it will resolve itself once I have the surgery.
I know it will probably take time, but I sure hope it goes away eventually. I plan to call the nurse at the surgery center today and ask about it. Has anyone out there experienced this?
Thankyou for reading this. Jane
By ritagilbert on Saturday, February 15, 2003 - 11:48 am:
hello, my name is Rita...can you please help me?
I have injured my right shoulder and have been advised that I need a Rotator cuff repair. (I have a three inch tear) My consultant advised me to have the operation otherwise I might have limited use of the arm in the future. Please Please advise.I am so worried. Thanks.
By Donna J on Monday, March 03, 2003 - 05:05 pm:
Hi to All- Just thought I would put in my 2cents worth on surgery recovery.
I injured my shoulder 2-01 & after many on-off trips to therapy for tendentious, I finally got an MRI 9-03 & they found a tear. Surgery was 10-31-02. I am 4mos post-op and feel great. The journey was not pain free, for sure!
First – Pain. It was worse than childbirth! LOL! Definitely follow the Dr.’s plan and take (but don’t abuse) the pills. 4days after surgery I missed several pills as I was away from home & it took a lot to get back under control. Icing is absolutely necessary! My therapist gave me a home recipe for ice packs so I could have several ready throughout the day.
Second – Sleep. It is absolutely necessary to have a recliner (or something similar). There is no way to sleep flat after surgery. I used the recliner for about 1month as I was afraid to put pressure on my shoulder in bed.
Third – Therapy. It will hurt(!), but it is the only way to get better. Don’t buy anything expensive. The best thing my therapist suggested was a simple pulley with nylon cord (pulley cost $1.83 @Home Depot). Then you can hook it in a closed door and do all kinds of exercises to start getting range of movement back. Gradually you will add light weights to gain strength.
I am now 4mos post-op and have nearly normal use of my arm. I still have pain in the morning, which goes away with movement. Dr. said it could take almost a year for all recovery. What is the most important is the therapy and remember, this type of surgery has a VERY long recovery. You MUST WORK THRU THE PAIN! Therapy wasn’t fun at all, in the beginning & it took more than 2mos before I really felt like I had a break through. My dr & therapist both said they felt the patients who didn’t follow therapy guidelines were the most dissatisfied patients.
I hope this has been informative given you all hope!
By TJ on Friday, May 09, 2003 - 01:17 pm:
Donna's absolutely correct on all counts but I'll add a few more. I'm seven weeks since surgery and have started PT; yup, the shoulder hurts again. Back to post-op, within two to three days your surgeon should have you exercising the 'fixed' arm. No muscle work but, using the 'good' one doing about 15 minute of exercises three to four times a day. Hard to do but it's the answer to full mobility later.
Sleep: amen. No bed for six weeks. I slept on the sofa with my support device strapped on to limit movement.
Pills: Percocet is wonderful stuff but only for the first couple days: and you'll need it. I 'kicked' all meds within ten days.
What to wear: be sure to have some shoes that don't have laces (or have someone to tie them for you). At least a month after surgery. For the first two weeks after surgery I "split" a tee shirt, down the injured side and sleeve, and wore it under a loose jacket. Worked fine (want a couple ? I have them for you - - ).
Hang in there:
By Anonymous on Wednesday, June 18, 2003 - 07:38 pm:
I was diagnosed with a supraspinatus full thickness tear (anterior peripheral aspect) two months ago. I have full movement, though. Always had some twinges for years. Just started lifting 8 months ago and was feeling abit more sore/noticed some continued weakness two months ago. I thought arthritis and Family Doc thought impingement. Had MRI done that showed what it was. Fortuately, the tendon was not fully torn across..... only a half inch (or less)of the edge. The other muscles/tendon are still firmly attached. But had some fluid in the bursa, which caused the worse of the soreness/pain.
Orthopedic doc said "no surgery" as this looked like an old tear from some trauma or just age "wear n' tear" (I am 51). In my case, surgery might be more of a "hurt" than a "help". So he suggested to ease up on some exercises for awhile, change others and cut out heavy overheads like Military presses. There are some rotator exercises that will help strengthen what you do have. There are suppliments, like Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM, that would help with the joint area. Flax oil is good also.
The impingement pain was helped by acupuncture. With the changes(especially the rotator cuff exercises) the pain is much less and the lifting keeps the joint flexible and keep movement radius.
By April on Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 03:09 am:
I'm so surprised at the number of 'rotator cuff injuries' It's like an epidemic. Even around our area there are numerous 'casualties!' What's going on? Is it a government conspiracy? An alien invasion? Germ warfare? Probably not---just our over-extended busy lifestyles and poor nutrition and in my case, laxidasical exercise program. I suffered for a year with my left shoulder tendonitis and partially 'frozen shoulder'. Did the cortisone and physical therapy. Finally went away----then my right shoulder started acting up! Well, it's not doing as well. Had the cortisone----nada---can empathize with each of you. Had a lousy vacation time in Florida--constant pain---like a migrain in my shoulder. Sometimes felt like I was giving birth to something because of the contraction-like pains! Expected to sprout another head or an evil twin! Anyway, after months of trying herbal supplements, MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin (which does help ease the pain!) and sometimes daily visits to my chiropractor (Thank goodness it's a once a month payment! I'd be bankrupt if I had to pay for each visit!) and massage therapy (my husband's hands are getting tired!)and people praying for me. (I do believe in the power of prayer, but my arm hasn't gotten the message!), I've decided to go for the surgery. It's scheduled for July 10. Unless a miracle happens (Oh please!!!!) then I will be in the same boat as many of you have been. I'm not looking forward to that particular cruise line. Doesn't sound like a pleasure boat! By the way, I did take some apple cider vinegar and it has seemed to help ease the throbbing. There are some wonderful alternative things to try. Oh yes, one more suggestion. One of my Dr. friends said his wife was having the same symptoms and had the mercury fillings from her teeth removed---the pain went away. Been there, done that! Unless there is still some fillings under my caps---hmmmm. Will have to check that out! Anyway, if you have mercury fillings, it would be wise to have them removed and replaced with porcelain. Mercury is being linked to a variety of degenerative diseases and fibromyalgia. (Just for your information)It is important to educate youselves. Drs. can only know so much and each of us is so unique--what will work for one, doesn't necessarily work for another. By the way, ice is a good numbing thing, but heat makes my arm feel so much better! Well, God bless you all. I'll be thinking about you when I'm going through the valley! I'll write you about my experience. (Still praying for a miracle!)
By Anonymous on Thursday, August 28, 2003 - 11:21 pm:
Had rotator cuff surgery July23rd 2003 took about three weeks for me to regain some range of motion in my right arm.I still havent started therapy,waiting for the doctors thumbs up.Wasnt as bad as I thought after several cortisone shots needed it though
By Karl Marosovitz on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 11:15 pm:
I had surgery on October 9, 2003 for what turned out to be a full thickness tear. This resulted from a fall on the golf course where I also dis-located the bicep.
I began therapy three days post surgery. It is all passive motion. Some of it is painfull, as was promised. I was told that it would be 5 months before I would play golf again. I realize the therapy is slow. I guess I am looking for some signs of encouragement.
By Anonymous on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 - 11:14 pm:
hi.. im a 36 year old garbage man just told i have
a torn rotator cuff .about a 1 inch tear im looking at all feedback here i think i should be looking for other employment .after reading all this i dont think i want the surgery ?
By Becky Mintzer on Thursday, November 13, 2003 - 06:45 pm:
Hey, wait a minute! Don't judge one or two horror stories with the rest of us! Think positive, not negative. There a good reason for having rotator cuff surgery. you do not have the severe pain that you had before surgery. Surgery is the only way that you can heal a tear, do not let anyone tell you different. Do not not listen to negative talk. Men arn't suppose to be wimps, so get yourself a good shoulder specialist & have it done! Sure, it will not be a picnic & no surgery is a 100%, but you'll better off in the long run.Take care!
By Anonymous on Saturday, December 27, 2003 - 09:17 pm:
I agree with the garbage man. I was contemplating surgery until reading all enclosed. Let's see. Six weeks to recover from surgery. Six months PT three days a week. Most of this time out of work. All of it in major pain. And this is the most optimistic scenario. Plus I won't be able to tie my own shoes and I'll have to sleep for two months in a Lazy Boy chair. No thanks. I'll live with it and try the exercises. And I'm not a wimp, Becky. I'm just being realistic. Why put yourself through it if you're not in major pain, and I'm not.
By Jeff Luther on Thursday, January 08, 2004 - 02:53 am:
Hi - let me add my 2 cents worth: I had rotator cuff surgery last Dec. 10th (arthroscopic with 4 small incisions around my shoulder). While in there the Dr. also found and repaired a tear from an old partial shoulder dislocation injury skiing some 20 years ago--I never knew I had it, but just thought I'd 'pulled a muscle.' (I'm told that weakened my shoulder and I was prone to the cuff injury years later.) In any case, I finally got released from wearing the sling yesterday, Jan 6th! (For the moment I'm to still wear the sling while sleeping.) It's my left shoulder and I'm left-handed, so it was no picnic playing right-ie for a month. Some pain the first week after surgery and I never did get used to wearing the sling to sleep in, since it requires sleeping on your back. My surprise yesterday with the sling off and the Dr. asking me to lift my arm, was in how little movement and how painful moving my arm up or out was. The Dr. gave me a pack with home exercise tools and instructions in it to be used 3x a day. I began today doing some 10-12 different exercises. Physical therapy is scheduled for the 1st month at 3x a week. After 24 hours I have a bit more movement in the arm: I can raise it by itself *almost* horizontal. With my other hand on my left wrist I can raise my arm about 45 degrees above horizontal; yesterday it was barely horizontal. Looks like there's already some progress, but I see that the road will be slow and painful. I too suffered from pain during the night after suffering the cuff injury a year ago. Cortisone helped for 6 months, but the pain came back and it's what drove me into the Sports Med. clinic to get it fixed. What I didn't hear pre-op from anyone there was the amount of rehab. needed post-surgery and the pain involved in the rehab. (I'd had arthroscopic knee surgery done in 1987 and that 'rehab' was a week or so only.) The fact that the shoulder is essentially immobile for a month (I took the sling off for showering) really causes the rehab. to be extensive and painful. Like comments above, I think now whether or not I'd do it again. My sense is yes, because being awakened 4-6 times a night with shoulder pain was no fun, I see some rehab. progress already and figuring that the pain from before surgery will be gone. What I hope is that I get full use of my 'good' arm again. It feels a long way right now from being able to throw, scratch my back or even raise my left arm over my head!! Good luck to anyone else out there contemplating doing this. I'm 57 by the way, so I am sure age is a determining factor, though I'm an avid bicyclist and I plan on getting back to that too. My wife's co-workers are phys. therapists and they all agree that rehab. using a warm pool is a great benefit. I can't wait to jump in!!
P.S. I see other comments about "six months rehab. I can't believe it'll be that long, though I don't have a physical job like carpenter, etc. I also was able to sleep prone, just on my back. Again, Good Luck!!
By Becky Mintzer on Friday, January 09, 2004 - 09:42 am:
To Anonymous!
This is Becky. I'm not here to make anyone do anything that he doesn't want to do, I'm here to help people through the recovery. If you don't want help you shouldn't have come on the message board. Take care!
By Becky Mintzer on Friday, January 09, 2004 - 12:01 pm:
Proud of you Jeff!
This is for Anonymous above you. I'm here to help people through recovery. If you do not want help, why did you come on the message board? Take care!
By Sydney Harrison on Monday, January 12, 2004 - 01:48 pm:
For about 2 months now I have had pain in my
left shoulder and muscles. I went to physical therapy for about a month, which didn't help.
My job requires me to work at a computer 8 hours a day. I do mechanical drafting, and type with both hands. Once in a while my right arm bothers
me, but is manageable. I have been using the Pilates stretch bands and it helps. But there are days
when it is unbearable. I have been popping aleve
on a regular basis or Tylenol with codeine, which I don't want to do forever. I suppose I should go back to the doctor, but at this point I would rather try to do ICE and/or strengthening exercises to help this. How long do you think I should keep up with the exercises and ice before I go back to the doctor?
By Becky Mintzer on Monday, January 12, 2004 - 11:43 pm:
Hi, Sidney!
If I were you I would go to the doctor as soon as possible! Sounds like you have Rotator Cuff problems. A shoulder specialist is what you need. The sooner you get help the better off you'll be! Just think positive, not negative. There is no quick fix for Rotator Cuff problems, especially if you have a tear. Take care!
By Jeff Luther on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 06:37 pm:
By way of some continuity, I thought I'd update my previous msg. above of Jan. 8th. It is now 14 days out of the sling and here's how it's going:
the GOOD NEWS is that I have most of my mobility (aka 'range of motion') back: raising my left arm nearly vertical and moving my hand to my lower back are signs I'm getting better. I can even 'walk' my hand up a wall with my face nearly touching the wall! Last week getting my arm to 45 degrees was a big deal!! It seems to get better day by day, too; I'd suffer through 10-15 min. of doing some exercises, only to find that I could reach farther before the pain/ache set in and the next day I'd be able to tuck my shirt in easier, reach above my head for a cup on the shelf, etc. Thus, exercising is working and provides fairly quick positive feedback that I am progressing back to normal. I'm 'cheating' too and confess to formally exercising only 2-ish times a day, not 3x/day, though I am active and try to use my bad arm in 'real life.' Also, I went to the phys.
therapist (PT) last week and we decided to see her 1x a week for the next 4 weeks, not 3x/week. A trip to a warm pool--mentioned last msg. went ok. I probably over-stretched it in there (I had additional pain during the night and next A.M.) and it was boring, so I likely won't go again.
The BAD NEWS: the pain has not gone away, nor really subsided; I've just pushed ('stretched') the boundaries of my mobility out further. As to pain, let me mention something about my meds. (I'm not a medical person, and this is not advise; just what I'm experiencing.) I've been taking Vicodin in what I'll call "small" (5mg) and "large" (10mg) capsules and find it's taking 2 large, and often 1 small dose to get through a 24hr. period. (Approx. 1 large 7am, 1 large 6-7pm and maybe 1 small middle of night.) I don't know if this is a lot or not, but based on my pain threshold and tolerance, this is what it takes to get me through the rough spots. And that's not pain-free either. Nights are still the worst and I wake up 3-4x at least with pain. (I thought at first that I'd moved my arm to a painful position and awoken because of this. I now think--and
being at the keyboard 1-2 hrs. at a time proves this--that it's the immobility of my shoulder for awhile, then movement, which can cause the pain when I move, even if i