does frquent masturbation cause curature of the penis?
2014-08-26 13:36:09 UTC
I recently read on this site that frequent masturbation and ejacualtion at 15 can cause curature of the penis and lower sperm count for life!

Is this true and is it harmful?
Nine answers:
2014-08-26 16:08:27 UTC

Masturbation provides for the need to ejaculate semen, is safe, healthy, pleasant, normal, fun, harmless, contributes to prostate health, relieves sexual tension and pain from overfilled seminal vesicles. Masturbation aids sleep when done before bedtime. Frequent masturbation prevents wet dreams. Masturbation leaves one with a feeling of relaxation, contentment, and well-being. One cannot get an STD from masturbation.

Masturbation should be done in a place where one has privacy. Favorite places are in the shower or in bed at night.

There is no lower or upper age limit for masturbation. Some pre-school boys masturbate and some elderly people masturbate at least into their late seventies.

One may masturbate as much or as little as one wishes, however one may experience temporary sexual exhaustion due to very frequent masturbation.

Three times a day works well for many teens.

1. Do it before school in the morning. This helps you get through the school day without being excessively horny.

2. Do it after school because you have gone a whole day without masturbating.

3. Do it before going to sleep. This helps with restful, sound sleep.

The movable, internally-lubricated, nerve-laden erogenous foreskin and its gliding action is an important aid to masturbation.

Circumcision was introduced to unforeskin the penis and make it impossible to masturbate. It failed to stop masturbation but it made it harder to do and perhaps less enjoyable.

How one does it depends on whether one has an internally lubricated movable foreskin that glides up and down the shaft or whether you have been unforeskinned.

If you are foreskinned, then all you need to do is glide your foreskin back and forth. It is not necessary to retract the foreskin. The foreskin is internally lubricated with lymphatic fluid and glides without friction. The numerous nerves inside the foreskin are stimulated by the motion and generate pleasurable sensations. Foreskinned males must be careful not to tear the frenulum.

Long and vigorous masturbation can cause the foreskin to become edematous and swollen, which is painless and not a cause for alarm. The edema usually goes down within about 24 hours. Pulling back too hard is apt to stretch the frenulum and may tear it.

If you are unforeskinned and the skin is taut and immovable, then you will need some lubrication and you need to slide your hand up and down the shaft. You will likely injure yourself without lubricant. Friction irritation is common when a male without foreskin masturbates without lubricant. Some lubricants are baby oil, vegetable oil, personal lubricant, soapy water, and saliva.

It is common for an unforeskinned male, who has been deprived of his internally lubricated foreskin, to have irritation if he does not apply external lubricant.

After a male ejaculates, there is normally a “refractory period” before he can have sex again.

There are many myths about masturbation, which simply are not true.

Masturbation does NOT shorten your life.

Masturbation does NOT cause heart attacks.

Masturbation does NOT cause insanity.

Masturbation does NOT affect your brain cells.

Masturbation does NOT cause memory loss.

Masturbation does NOT cause you to go blind.

Masturbation does NOT cause eye problems.

Masturbation does NOT cause eye blink.

Masturbation does NOT cause blurred vision.

Masturbation does NOT cause eye floaters.

Masturbation does NOT cause sleeplessness.

Masturbation does NOT cause shaky hands.

Masturbation does NOT cause hair to grow in your palms.

Masturbation does NOT cause hair loss.

Masturbation does NOT change hair color.

Masturbation does NOT cause graying of the hair.

Masturbation does NOT change skin color.

Masturbation does NOT cause baldness.

Masturbation does NOT cause old look.

Masturbation does NOT cause erectile dysfunction (ED).

Masturbation does NOT cause impotence.

Masturbation does NOT make your sperm run out.

Masturbation does NOT prevent fathering children.

Masturbation does NOT slow down puberty.

Masturbation dose NOT affect completing puberty.

Masturbation does NOT stunt your growth.

Masturbation does NOT make you skinny.

Masturbation does NOT suck out the nutrients.

Masturbation does NOT cause loss of vitamins.

Masturbation does NOT lower your testosterone.

Masturbation does NOT raise your testosterone.

Masturbation does NOT cause gynecomastia.

Masturbation does NOT cause pain in the testes.

Masturbation does NOT cause premature ejaculation.

Masturbation does NOT affect height.

Masturbation does NOT cause penile curvature.

Masturbation does NOT affect penis size.

Masturbation does NOT decrease stamina.

Masturbation does NOT cause knee pains.

Masturbation does NOT cause knee problems.

Masturbation does NOT stop growth spurts.

Masturbation does NOT stop muscle growth.

Masturbation does NOT cause muscle weakness.

Masturbation does NOT reduce muscle mass.

Masturbation does NOT cause hernia.

Masturbation does NOT affect the physical appearance.

Masturbation does NOT cause penis bumps.

Masturbation does NOT cause warts.

Masturbation does NOT cause weight gain.

Masturbation does NOT cause weight loss.

Masturbation does NOT cause pimples.

Masturbation does NOT cause acne.

Masturbation does NOT cause wrinkles on your face.

Masturbation does NOT cause loss of blood.

Masturbation does NOT cause blood to flow from the urethra.

Masturbation does NOT cause your body to smell like a fish.

Masturbation does NOT make your bones softer.

Masturbation does NOT slow the growth of your penis.

Masturbation does NOT make your penis weak.

Masturbation does NOT make your penis larger.

Masturbation does NOT make your penis smaller.

Masturbation does NOT make your penis wrinkly.

Masturbation does NOT cause penile fracture.

Masturbation does NOT cause skin wrinkles.

Masturbation does NOT cause bent penis.

Masturbation does NOT release hormones.

Masturbation does NOT cause premature ejaculation.

Masturbation does NOT make you sexually weak.

Masturbation does NOT cause infertility.

Masturbation does NOT make sex less enjoyable.

Masturbation does NOT cause nerve problems.

Masturbation does NOT cause memory problems.

Masturbation does NOT cause cancer.

Masturbation does NOT cause back pain.

Masturbation does NOT cause stomachache.

Masturbation does NOT cause body aches.

Masturbation does NOT cause headache.

Masturbation does NOT cause muscle loss.

Masturbation does NOT harm the pelvic floor muscles.

Masturbation does NOT make your body weak.

Masturbation does NOT affect stamina.

Masturbation does NOT make you thin and skinny.

Masturbation does NOT harm the kidneys.

Masturbation does NOT cause prostate cancer.

Masturbation does NOT cause psoriasis.

Masturbation does NOT cause thin hair.

Masturbation does NOT cause hair fall.

Masturbation does NOT cause cancer.

Masturbation does NOT cause infection.

Masturbation does NOT cause death.
2015-08-03 08:15:19 UTC
No, it will not change the shape of your penis. But you can damage the skin and some of the nerve endings down there. Start using a penis health creme. These cremes are made just for guys and will protect your penis skin from irritations associated with frequent masturbation. It's good stuff.
2014-08-26 19:06:34 UTC
These myths are categorically false. They usually stem from very non-scientific beliefs that masturbation is sinful, using scare tactics to drive their point home.

Masturbation can be unhealthy if it's excessive to the point that it interferes with your ability to live a normal life, but the practice in-and-of-itself does not cause physical harm, nor does it diminish your reproductive capability/sperm count later on. Curvature

is hereditary, unless you've ruptured your corpus cavernosum (the two cylinder shaped cavities that become engorged). Masturbation will not cause such a rupture unless you're engaging in some very extreme stunt-like behavior.
2014-08-26 15:01:42 UTC
Nope, but it may decrease sensitivity if you go too hard. Sperms are constantly reproduced so you can't have decrease sperm count unless you injure your testicles or do not receive the vitamins you need
2016-06-26 14:38:40 UTC
My Penis Size Tripled -
2014-08-26 13:36:38 UTC
Not true buddy, keeping churning that milk
2014-08-26 14:03:52 UTC
No it does affect your penis at all.
2014-08-26 13:36:36 UTC
no you'll just get better for when you actually have intercourse
2014-08-27 00:48:16 UTC
It is necessary that the youth tear the veils of ignorance surrounding this issue through the use of their wisdom and intellect, and instead of moving away from reality, they review this subject and understand its consequences. We will first begin by narrating the testimony of various researchers and medical doctors who have investigated these issues in depth. We will then analyze the psychological and social causes of these sexual deviations and then describe the ways of resolving such problems after they have already developed. A famous physician by the name of Dr. Hoffman narrates the observations of a number of other physicians in his text on the harms of masturbation in the following words: ‘I saw a young man who was 23 years in age addicted to this evil habit since the age of 15. He had become so weak that his eyes were too feeble even to read a book. He had a headache and was hysterical in his disposition. He was dizzy like someone who was drunk and he felt a deep pain in his eyes.’ Observations by a Dr. Hutchinson have proven that most diseases related to the sexual organs, the retina, and the choroids are caused by masturbation. He has continued and said: ‘The first result of this heinous addiction is that the eyes become weak and the face loses its color. The former energy and acuity that was present in the eyes are lost, and a gray circle surrounds the eyes. Afterwards, weakness and dysfunction are observed in various different organs. Forgetfulness, lack of appetite, indigestion, asthma, envy, grief, boredom, seclusion, and loneliness are all amongst the ill consequences of this perversion. Dr. Hutchinson continues by mentioning in his text that this act causes anemia, the weakening of physical and spiritual power, vertigo, imagining voices and noises, backache, forgetfulness, anorexia, weakness, indolence, as well as general debility, particularly in the eyes and ears. Addiction to this sexual perversion decreases the natural resistance of the body against diseases. Dr. Hutchinson goes on and says: ‘Those afflicted with this heinous habit cannot escape death easily after contracting one of the more serious diseases’. He then quotes another writer who had mentioned: ‘I knew a young man who was afflicted with this sexual deviation. After a period of time, he began to suffer from a fever and by the sixth day he had become so weak that he couldn’t fight the illness and passed away.’ The doctor narrates another story: ‘An individual afflicted with this practice felt increasing weakness. He was losing weight and suffering from backaches. The continuation of this practice resulted in paralysis, and after six months of being bedridden, he passed away in a pitiful state.’ This habit is especially dangerous for the wounded and those who have recently been in an operation. According to the same specialist, this sexual deviation (which is discouraged from both the medical and religious point of view) results in the atrophy of the body and it also weakens the spirits of men.

Research conducted in the last few years, and specially this research and observation, which we have done with regard to two thousand youths, it is proved and universally admitted that the subject of masturbation should not be considered as an ordinary one. To explain this in detail it is necessary to mention about the sexual glands and organs (i.e. physiology). A sign of adulthood is discharge of semen from the cells of the testicles. In every drop of semen there are millions of male eggs and a special sticky fluid comes out of the glands of scrotum and through the tube of the semen it reaches the sac of semen (sperm), which is at the back of the bladder. The sack of semen gradually gets filled up and some part of semen gets absorbed in the body and helps in the development of limbs and is a stimulant to sexual desire but it is necessary that its bigger (more) quantity should get out and be useful in producing children. Those youths, who are less fond of sexual excitements and act on religious beliefs and laws of healthy life, keep away from wrong arousals, when their sac of semen gets filled up. Generally semen comes out in nocturnal discharge and in this way the biological remains in the body are expelled. Therefore it is nothing to worry about. But those youth whose factors of sexual incitements are too much and who pass their days in a form of deprivation consider masturbation as the only way to give respite to the mind. And since after every sexual incitement the person tries to find solace in masturbation, he repeats this act every time. And when this act is being performed repeatedly and reaches several times a week, this psychological and physical (sexual) condition differs from the natural condition and his system of sexual balance is destroyed. The greatest sign of it is weakness in the sexual organ. Its elucidation is that: When the fulfillment of sexual arousal is done in a natural way in the form of marriage the contemplation of sense of touch and by means of other senses, in the brain of the youth, the center of his sexual desires gets stirred up. And on the basis of the structure of human body, the effect, which is carried to the center of mind through eyes and sense of touch etc. creates sexual act, as a result the sexual act is performed in a natural way. But masturbation is just the opposite and it is another way in which imagination and contemplation of some special scenes and to touch a part of the body takes the place of natural factors of sexual act. In this way it creates a wrong system of action in the orbit of sexual behavior. When this act is repeated several times and this wrong action becomes strong in the youth, it causes him to fail in having sex in a natural way. Because the natural system of sex in him is already destroyed and because of this at the time of consummation of marriage he does not find himself fit. This situation makes him very much terrified and embarrassed; because his repeated masturbation for temporary satisfaction has affected his personality and psychology. No doubt, in such a situation because of that act which the youth performs with force (in repetition), which becomes the cause of his tension, embarrassment and fear and confusion, rather than relieving him from tension. However if he rejects this contemptible habit absolutely and guards his peace of mind and instead of that adopts some good habit he definitely would become eligible to be healthy and hearty. The physical misery of those engaged in masturbation One important point, which is worth attention here, is that as we have already discussed before, a part of semen is absorbed in the body and causes development of the youth. That becomes effective not only in the development of his physical strength, but has great effect in his advancement and progress. When this matter is thrown out because of repeated masturbation, then other than creating defect in the complete strength formation of sexual organ it becomes the cause of thinness, weakness in personality, weakness in desire, reduction in strength, shyness and shortfall in the psychological strength. It will be better that, to emphasize those two subjects we go through the declaration of those who engaged themselves in masturbation, and failed in their act after marriage or do not get pleasure in sexual intercourse with the wife or they are cool in the approach to their wives and are prey to weakness in sexuality. In short, in the issues pertaining to sex, masturbation, by putting the system of psychological response of action on the wrong path creates disturbance in the sense of pleasure and feeling of strength and it result is apparent in the form of disgrace, inferiority complex and dispersion of personality, besides that, its effect can be on the development of youths. Important Reminder To avoid these dangers the youth should not unnecessarily become a prey to fear and dread, but he should fight this evil habit with all his might, determination and complete faith. First of all they should try to remain away from the means of artificial arousal like pornography etc. They should cast off above things from their reach all together and make a firm determination that they will not go near those things. After that, they should select good friends, avoid remaining alone in a room to the extent he should not sleep alone, select good and beneficial exercises and fill his leisure time in activities pertaining to health. He should never remain idle. He should strictly refrain from people who are astray and promiscuous and he should inculcate some good habits and keep away from the bad habit. They should never get deceived by poisonous writings of half trained quacks and foolish psychologists who try to justify and assure him about this contemptible act. Masturbation does shorten your life.

Masturbation does cause insanity.

Masturbation does affect your brain cells.

Masturbation does cause memory loss.

Masturbation does cause you to go blind.

Masturbation does cause eye problems.

Masturbation does cause eye blink.

Masturbation does cause blurred vision.

Masturbation does cause eye floaters.

Masturbation does cause sleeplessness.

Masturbation does cause hair to grow in your palms.

Masturbation does change hair color.

Masturbation does change skin color.

Masturbation does cause baldness.

Masturbation does cause erectile dysfunction (ED).

Masturbation does cause impotence.

Masturbation does make your sperm run out.

Masturbation does prevent fathering children.

Masturbation does slow down puberty.

Masturbation does stunt your growth.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.