Hi Ari Ariano:
Here is some basic information.
It generally takes at least two years.
It is possible to extend the residual shaft skin on a circumcised penis to form a new foreskin and has been done or is being done by hundreds of thousands of men.
The decision to restore one's foreskin is a personal decision. It depends on how strong one’s feelings are about one’s unwanted non-voluntary circumcision, because foreskin restoration by tissue expansion is somewhat slow. Some men think it is worthwhile to restore and others don't think so.
Some believe that foreskin restoration goes much faster when one is young because there is more growth hormone in the body. The stretching causes tissue expansion and permanent growth of the length of your foreskin.
Foreskin restoration was known in ancient times, but the technique was lost and rediscovered in the late 20th century – about 40 years ago.
Foreskin restoration works by "tissue expansion". When traction is applied to skin to keep it under tension, the skin reacts by expanding to relieve the tension. New skin cells are formed and the skin under tension expands. This is a permanent increase. Cells divide to create two skin cells out of one. The process is called "mitosis".
For foreskin restoration the shaft skin is placed under longitudinal tension, which causes it to expand so as to make it longer. As the shaft skin gets longer, one starts to see little wrinkles in the skin. As elongation continues, skin will start to pile up in the coronal sulcus. Then, with increasing length, the shaft skin will start to lap over the head in a little fold. This is the start of the new foreskin. Since a double layer is needed, quite a lot of skin must be created.
Continued stretching and skin expansion will eventually cover the head of the penis with foreskin. Over the longer term, it is possible to create a foreskin that is long enough to cover the erect penis.
Foreskin restoration improves appearance. As the foreskin lengthens, the scar from the circumcision is covered over and disappears. The result is a very natural appearing foreskin that is very difficult to distinguish from a natural foreskin.
The procedure does not use drugs or surgery and the medical profession is not involved in any way. Non-surgical foreskin restoration is very safe and painless.
The restored foreskin keeps the glans penis moist and sensitive. The layer of keratin on the glans of the circumcised penis sloughs off after a period of constant coverage by the restored foreskin. The surface becomes softer to the touch.
Foreskin restoration cannot restore the frenulum, nor can it restore the heavily innervated ridged band, however, a restored foreskin does have sensation. Morever, the increased skin mobility allows better stimulation of the remaining nerves.
Foreskin restoration has beneficial sexual and emotional effects.
Foreskinned males who have inadequate short foreskins may use the same techniques to lengthen their existing foreskin.
There are now several good devices on the market to make foreskin restoration go faster.
Search the Internet for "foreskin restoration" for more information.