what do i do i am an 18 year old boy.i found my 16 & 14 year old brothers masterbating?
2006-04-02 13:47:44 UTC
they were hand on hand the 16 year old was masterbating the 14 year old and the 14 yrar old was doing the 16 year old what do i do? tell my dad or what. help me
Fourteen answers:
2006-04-02 17:56:59 UTC
Well they are teenagers, probably dealing with their sexual urges.

I am guessing because you are asking this question, that you never did anything like that.

To an extent this is normal.

Most boys have some kind of “homosexual” experience like this, where they are just experimenting.

Usually a little younger, but this is no big deal.

As a teen I was masterbating in front of my brothers.

At some point we did masterbait each other, but none of us turned out, “gay”.

Also none of us were molested either, I am close to my brothers, and they would have told me, if something like that had happened.

I think that if they know that you caught them, you should talk to them in private about it.

Tell them how you feel, but at the same time, be nice about it.

There is no reason to tell your parents.

Just make sure to tell them to be more careful not to get caught,

and to do it with the door closed and locked.

Just remember however you felt about this, that they are still your brothers,

they will turn out normal, and this is just a phase, and WILL pass in time.

If it doesn’t pass as quickly as you would like, it couldn’t hurt to bring them home some girls,

to get them laid.
2006-04-02 14:10:21 UTC
You need to tell your parents, there's something else that is going on here!! Someone may have molested them in the past. Normally, kids do those types of things to themselves!! Not with the help of another male, a brother at that!! There also may be some type of gay issues going on here, as well. But; you need to tell your parents before this gets completely out of hand!!
2006-04-02 13:56:08 UTC
Unless the 16 year old coaxed the 14 year old into doing it, i'd say to just leave it alone. 1) they're not hurting anybody, so let them go. 2) You can always use it as a threat to coax favors out of them(i.e. "Dad said i was supposed to mow the lawn...but then i thought, 'Hey, you guys like to jerk each other off, so you could mow the lawn instead!'"). BTW, they're probably not gay, they're just bored masturbating alone.
2006-04-02 14:25:58 UTC
I think you should tell your dad first. And then after he calms down tell him to "have a talk" with the 3 of you, you know "guy talk". While you guys are talking about "stuff" bring it up gently, you know, tell your brothers at that moment to "tell dad what you saw or you will" And hopefully, everything will turn out good!!! GOOD LUCK!
2006-04-02 13:51:50 UTC
well this is quite the weird situation. i would have to say keep an eye on them and if something ever happens again tell your dad. but try talking to them. and like indirectly bring it up and say what you think about the whole thing.
2006-04-02 21:16:13 UTC
Just ignore it, because they're just experimenting - it's normal. Why not join in next time, you might find it exciting. Just don't tell anyone or they'll think you're sick. Really, it is okay - and it is normal part of going through puberty and learning about sex.
Big Daddy R
2006-04-04 11:32:13 UTC
believe it or not it is pretty common. They are probably not gay LOTS of hetero guys wack off in groups and even help each other out. Don't rat them out that is embarrassing just let them be
2006-04-02 13:51:05 UTC
If you can't beat em, join em. Or, if you can't beat em, beat off! Actually, it's harmless. Just pretend you didn't see anything. Tell them to be a little more careful
2006-04-02 13:49:44 UTC
Talk to them and figure it out. If it doesn't work, tell dad and he'll do it.
2006-04-02 13:51:22 UTC
well...wackin off is a normal part of life... i mean whats the worst theat can happen if they do it.. they will eventually grow out of it..we all did
2006-04-02 15:05:24 UTC
that's weird ! Talk to them and tell them not to do it with anyone else.They must be really comfortable with each other.To each his own,I guess !
2006-04-02 13:52:05 UTC
uh...i'd tell an adult,'s one thing if they just's what guys do...but they were doing it to each other? are you sure they weren't molested as children?
2006-04-02 13:56:11 UTC
ok...tell ur dad!! so u dont have to worry about it...and dont worry they were just expirmenting..
2006-04-02 13:50:50 UTC
talk to them gently

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