It varies. Some men have reported results in weeks, some in a few months, and some take five years or more to get full flaccid coverage. For some reason many say that more is better, but that's just not true. Some have used manual stretching for only 15 minutes a day and gained rapid growth in weeks while others who have used manual stretching for more than 8 hours a day and rarely get any results. There are also men who are so devoted to restoring their foreskins that they attempt to stretch nearly 24/7 but don't grow nearly as fast as men who only stretch one hour per day.
In conclusion. It depends on many variables. The following are a few of those variables.
-Initial skin
I started a petition for foreskin regeneration and I'm trying to get as many supporters as I can. I think this is a great idea. I already got a couple signatures so far through. A lot through Facebook and Youtube.
There is technology called foreskin regeneration which can fully regenerate an original functioning foreskin. Foreskin regeneration completely undos circumcision. However, the medical community refuses to recognize the importance and demand of foreskin regeneration. Therefore, they don't want to do research. My petition's aim is to show that there is a demand for foreskin regeneration and that men are willing to pay for it. I will send this petition to congress, regenerative medicine and other organizations. If you support foreskin regeneration be sure to sign. Let me know if you sign the petition. Link to petition is below: